My Taxes For My Child


How much is your child’s achievement worth? Honestly, how sure are you that the support your child will be given is adequate to ensure a successful graduation?

How quickly they grow — don’t they!

Maltese families rightly so, are obsessed with their children’s education, and pay a king’s ransom on schooling and private lessons to ensure their children make it to their degree. Expectations are high, but soon real-life experience with overcrowded lecture theatres, boring lectures, little or no personal attention from overworked academics, and as a finale, a qualification that has no notable global ranking.

Unlike choosing secondary schooling, families do not seem to give much importance towards the choice of a University, because of the money. The University of Malta is ‘free’ and this makes an obvious choice. Or is it?

You can now use your own income tax to finance your own child’s higher education at an institution of their choice!

Through the GetQualified Scheme, the Government of Malta readily repays parent/s or guardians of students reading for Higher Education (Diploma, Degree, & Masters) all the income tax paid of the parent/s who can show proof of payment of tuition fees, year after year until they receive 70% of all their expenses.

Parents may use their own income tax contributions wisely, choosing to pay for their children’s higher education at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, a recognised teaching centre for the University of London in Malta, and set their children on the right path for life, offered personal attention to succeed in a world-renowned degree.

Learn how you may use YOUR OWN INCOME TAX to pay for your Child’s Degree at SMI #MyTaxes4MyChild

If the problem is the actual payment of tuition fees, another Government scheme to encourage parents to support their own children to attend SMI, is the Studies Plus Scheme. This scheme offers students, who may not have the means to make the tuition fee payments, an Interest Free, Payment Free Loan during the period of study, with the loan payable in easy payment terms as soon as the student is in employment. And the 70% tax rebate will still be paid to the parent/guardian.

Even if your monthly salary may not cover your living expenses and also pay for tuition fees, SMI has a solution through the Studies Plus scheme.

Choosing Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education for your child’s undergraduate studies is not just a choice. It is a choice many have made and never regretted. Get to know what students and alumni of Saint Martin’s Institute have to say, and decide for yourself that the Institute is second to no other …

Michela had the experience of the University of Malta where she read for a diploma in design, and decided that SMI was able to offer the personal attention that she yearned for to maximise her chances of success. Michela graduated with Distinction in the MQF level 5 Diploma in Entrepreneurship and further more scored three distinctions and a merit in her second-year exams in pursuit of her University of London degree.

You have the Choice to use YOUR OWN income tax contributions as a parent, for the benefit of YOUR child.

Parents have the option to use their own income tax to Government, to choose their own child’s higher education institution. Through the GetQualified scheme, a parent is able to present the statement of expenses for a son or daughter to read for the degree at the Institution of their choice, and the income tax contribution is received as a rebate acknowledging the expenses the parent would have incurred to help educate their own child, instead of relying on Government to provide the service.

You parent will receive up to 70% of your expenses as an income tax rebate, with a maximum total of €16,000 (€3,500 for Diploma and €12,500 for the Degree) having your income tax contribution returned until you receive the full amount.

Fees will not send you begging! Click Here
That look of happiness, a look of achievement, and a look of preparedness for the future! That’s what every parent wants to see in his children.

Let’s take a look at how this works.

The above table shows a slightly above median salary earned by an average married family member in Malta. Such a family member would be automatically paying €3,475 in income tax. An employee has no choice in paying this — the amount is struck off the monthly salary automatically.

Parents may ask for a Tax Rebate if they are paying their child’s higher education tuition fees, in effect enjoying circa 5 years income tax ‘free’ as a ‘thank you’ for the funding of tuition fees paid on behalf of their child, through the GetQualified Scheme. And the child will still benefit from a Stipend and maintenance grants as a higher education student!

Gianluca Trapani graduated in 2020 with a first-class honours degree conferred by the University of London after spending three years as a full-time student at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, where students are not just a number. The attention to students’ academic need is paramount at SMI.

The University of London, a world-renowned University in Malta since 2000

This fact may have been Malta’s best kept secret, except for the hundreds of students who have since graduated from the University of London, by attending Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education. Is there any need to highlight the merits of one of the top global Universities? Neither is Saint Martin’s Institute a ‘fly by night’ organisation. This year is the Institute’s 35th anniversary since it opened its doors to students, way back in 1985.

For these past 20 years, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education has provided tuition for Maltese and International students to read for their University of London degree without leaving the comfort of their family homes in Malta. This initiative has resulted in hundreds of students, who chose to read for a world-renowned degree to step on their career ladder knowing that their efforts are recognised globally.

Interested to join the class of 2021? Click here

This is the end result — graduation day at the Barbican, London!

Interested to join the class of 2021? Click here

Act Now

You may choose from a wide variety of fields of study. Check our prospectus for Commerce or Computing to join some of the most highly demanded career fields in Malta and overseas!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, a Recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London, will provide you with tuition that will lead you to an accredited degree, conferred by the world-renowned University of London, by attended classes in Hamrun, Malta.

The Institute is renowned for its student centred pedagogy that has resulted in very high classifications as examined by the examining boards of the University of London member institutions who have academic leadership of the degrees taught at Saint Martin’s Institute. At Saint Martin’s Institute students are #NotJustANumber

Take advantage from the fair entry requirements, that do not stress out children and families with the unfortunate measures taken due to the Covid-19 pandemic. University of London students at Saint Martin’s Institute did not experience any interruptions or drastic change in the teaching offered due to the global emergency.

If you wish to have a one to one chat with regard to your choice of qualification, you may complete this online contact form call us on +356 2123 5451 for an appointment, or communicate with us through our website or Facebook or email us on

If you are already convinced that you want to join us for the upcoming academic year, then just complete this online Application Form or download and complete this Form and email it to us on

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:

Benefit for Financial Assistance for your Studies

Interest free loan with no payments during your studies. Interested? Click Here

In employment & wish to study?

If you have not yet attained a first degree, studying in the evening is a good solution if you need to keep your day job. Attain the fee structure. Click Here



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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