Tuition Fees (2021–22)


for Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a private independent higher education institution licensed by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) with license 196, and a Recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London with students reading for Diploma and Bachelor degree programmes, as a full-time and evening students.

The Institute offers various packages for students to meet the already reasonable tuition fees. This article highlights the tuition fees and payment methods, but remember to contact us to discuss your particular needs.

Are you 21 years old and over, and in full time employment?

If you are already in full time employment, for which you do not have an adequate qualification, or you wish to seek a change in career, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education offers you the opportunity to read for an MQF level 5 Diploma progressing to an MQF level 6 degree as an evening student.

If you are interested to know the tuition fees payable as an evening student, please click here.

Are you under 20 years old?

If you are between 16 years and 20 years old, then you should be looking at continuing with your education as a full-time student at Saint Martin’s Institute.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education charges the same tuition fee for whichever course you choose, or whichever year you may be in.

In the following sections you will find details of the tuition fees payable whilst you are a full time student at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education as well as the many schemes that are beneficial to you as a full-time student at the Institute.

Annual tuition fee and how it is payable

Maltese, EU Citizens & Third Country Nationals resident in Malta

Tuition fees for Full time students reading Computing are paid MONTHLY over 9 months.
Tuition fees for Full time students reading Business & Management pay fees on a monthly basis

During the first year of the three year degree programme, all students are reading for an MQF level 5 Diploma conferred by Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, and the tuition fee for full time students at this level is of €5,640 per year, covering all tuition and examinations between the first week of October and the last week of May of the academic year. The annual tuition fee may be paid in nine equal payments of €627, one month in advance.

As Students are promoted into reading for a University of London degree programme in the second and third year of their course at MQF level 6, tuition fee for full time students is of €5,640 per year, covering all tuition and SMI formative examinations between the first week of October and the last week of April of the academic year. The annual tuition fee may be paid in eight instalments of €705, one month in advance. In addition, students reading for a University of London degree are bound to pay registration and examination fees of the University of London specific to their particular choice of course, over and above their SMI tuition fees.

Maltese, EU and Third Country National Students resident permanently in Malta, who pay the annual fee as a one-time payment before September 30th of the academic year will benefit from a 2% discount on the annual fee.

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Third Country National Students non-resident in Malta

Students whose citizenship is of a third country outside the European Economic Area (27 EU Countries & Switzerland, Norway) and are not permanent residents in Malta (do not possess a long term residence permit) must pay the tuition fee in one (or maximum two) payments for the Institute to issue the necessary documentation to apply for a student visa (that must include the receipt for at least 50% of the annual tuition fees).

Third Country nationals must also pay an administration fee of €1,500 for their student visa documentation when they require it.

An Income Tax Rebate on your Annual Tuition Fee

The GetQualified Scheme offers a €16,000 (70%) income tax rebate on tuition fees to all students, including EU citizens and Third Country Nationals.

Students who pay tuition fees to read for their own higher education have the opportunity to receive 70% of the tuition fees as income tax rebate when subsequently they are in employment;


Parents/Guardians/Spouses/Relatives who pay tuition fees on behalf of a student related to them, to read for a Diploma and/or Degree have the opportunity to claim up to 70% of the tuition fees as income tax rebate.

For a parent earning €26,100 per year as Gross Salary, the Income Tax payable at source is of €3,475 meaning that a parent/guardian/related sponsor in employment with this salary will be Income Tax Free through a rebate. If an employee earns less as gross salary, and thus pays less income tax, the tax rebate will be carried to the next year until the full amount of tax rebate is benefited from.

The GetQualified Scheme has a capping to maximum income tax rebate that may be claimed by the tax payer — of €3,500 for qualifications achieved at MQF Level 5 Diploma, and €12,500 for qualifications at MQF Level 6 Degree.

You, the sponsor, or the student if the sponsor is non-taxable will receive all the income tax paid every year until you have received a total rebate of €16,000.

A student or related sponsor will therefore be able to claim €16,000 from their own income tax contribution as a rebate, money that has to be paid anyway by all employees returned as a rebate based upon the tuition fees receipts attached to the annual income tax return. #MyTaxes4MyChild

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Study and postpone your fees to after you graduate and in employment

In some cases, students are unable to pay tuition fees whilst they are following their studies. For this reason, the Government of Malta through the Malta Development Bank in conjunction with Bank of Valletta plc is offering an opportunity to benefit from an interest free loan, with a maximum of five-year moratorium on monthly payments. At Saint Martin’s Institute you read for your degree in three years, but the extra year may be availed off in case of emergencies that may crop up in any individual’s life.

StudiesPlus+ scheme

Applicable Age: 18 years upwards
Upfront contribution by the student: none
Maximum repayment term after study ends: 10 years at 2.95% interest
Maximum loan amount: €24,000 (fees at SMI cost €17,995 + UOL fees)
Repayment consideration: future income from employment

Remember that even though you may avail yourself of this loan, you will still benefit from the GetQualified Income Tax Rebate of €16,000 and thus, if you do utilise the full loan, your net contribution will be of €7,000.

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Stipends & Maintenance Grants payable under MGUS to full time students

Whilst reading for a degree at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, you will also benefit from stipends and maintenance grants under the Malta Government Undergraduate Scheme. This is applicable to Maltese and EU students who have been living in Malta for 5 years and over.

Students who are pursuing their studies at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education in Computing related areas, will benefit from a fixed stipend of €1,408 covering the period between 1st October and 30th June and a yearly sum of €798.81 to partly cover expenses related to educational material and equipment. The student will also receive a one-time grant of €698.81 payable in the first year of studies earmarked for specific purchases for the course.

For students choosing Commerce, the scheme offers a fixed stipend of €804.60 covering the period between October 1st and June 30th with a yearly sum of €565.87 to partly cover expenses related to educational material and equipment. The student will also receive a one-time grant of €465.87 payable in the first year of studies.

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All the beneficial schemes listed in this page are third party incentives towards students who read for their degree at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, and each scheme has its own Terms & Conditions. It is imperative that prospective applicants and students read these terms and conditions carefully, and it is the student’s responsibility to abide by these rules & regulations to ascertain the maximum benefit to the student.

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ACT now

If you wish to have a one to one chat with regard to your choice of qualification, you may complete this online contact form call us on +356 2123 5451 for an appointment, or communicate with us through our website or Facebook or email us on

If you are already convinced that you want to join us for the upcoming academic year, then just complete this Application Form and email it to us on or Apply Online

You may apply online [Click Here] or download an application [Click Here]

If you want to read the Article ‘You Are Not Just A Number’ Click Here

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:



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