Matsec Results are out …


What’s next?

Whilst Malta is boiling under the Lucifer heatwave, and many are on annual vacation, the postal service was humming on Friday and over the weekend with deliveries of the Matriculation Board examination results — exceptionally late this year owing to the disruptions of the Covid-19 Pandemic on examination sittings.

Families would have invested time and money to facilitate progression to a career that promises a good and self fulfilling life. The results may show that all the requirements have been met, and the next step is confirmed whilst in a larger percentage, the result slip may show that the student has not managed to attain the requirements and panic ensues!

The higher education scene in Malta has changed dramatically with wider opportunities than JUST the University of Malta.

The Distinguishing Factor

For many families, the distinguishing factor in the choice of higher education for their children is at what cost?

One of the main attraction of the State Institutions, financed in their totality through the income tax collected from the working population, is that students are accepted free of any obligation to pay anything at all, even if a student’s attendance is minimal or a course is not completed. This fact cannot be in any way ignored, because it is material in the decision making of the choice of University.

Michela Camilleri had all the necessary qualifications to read for her degree at a State University.

But, what families do not know is that the Government of Malta also provides substantial financial assistance to those students who opt for private student centered institutions, such as Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, in lieu of reading for a degree at a State Institution.

No Monthly Payments of Tuition Fees

Through the Studies Plus scheme, the Government of Malta is ensuring that students who choose to read for the degree at private institutions are able to do so, even if their families do not afford to may the monthly tuition fees. Through this scheme, the student is provided with an unsecured and interest free loan to cover all the expenses, with a moratorium (no monthly payments) covering all the years of study.

Only 30% net cost after completion

Taking advantage of the GetQualified Scheme, that guarantees an income tax rebate of up 70% of the total cost to read for the degree at a private institution, the student or the parents/guardians may take advantage and receive their own paid annual income tax as a rebate. In other words, for every €10 spent in studying costs, the student ends up paying €3 from pocket, whilst the €7 is repaid income tax.

Stipends & maintenance grants

Students reading as full time students have the same rights as those attending state institutions in receiving monthly stipends and annual maintenance grants for each year of study. The scheme is known as the Malta Government Undergraduate Scheme.

These are the amounts payable as stipends & grants throughout the three years of a full-time degree course.
Join the Class of 2021

Since the issue of tuition fees is neutralised by the above schemes, then the evaluation starts to become even more interesting. We should delve into quality of teaching and education, global reputation of the University conferring the degree, job and career potential for graduates, and the student to lecturer ratio and resources available to students reading at undergraduate degree level.

Jake Montebello chose Saint Martin’s Institute over any other institution, even though he was fully qualified with his Matriculation Certificate to be accepted by the State Institutions.

Even if a student has attained the full Matriculation Certificate, it does not mean that higher education will be easy. Many students find the transition from secondary schooling to reading for a degree very hard, and whilst statistics of students starting tertiary are quickly announced, the substantial percentage of drop outs are quickly swept under the carpet. Developed countries offer a pluralistic higher education scene specifically to be able to meet the needs and abilities of each young man and woman, and without in any way diluting the standards, ascertain that each manages to attain the highest possible levels of competences and skills.

How is quality measured?

An Institute is assessed by how well (or badly) its students fare when assessed by independent examiners. Coincidentally, the exam results for our students, examined by the University of London examination panels have been published in the very same week as the Matsec results. Look at the impressive achievements — 21% of all examination papers scored a Distinction, whilst 37% a Merit — close to half the papers sat for attaining the top two grades! (these percentages are from 169 papers sat for by Saint Martin’s Institute students). And 60% of all graduates from SMI attaining a First or Second Class Upper Honours!

This graph shows the grades attained by 45 students who sat for the Business Administration examination papers, set and marked by the University of London panel of examiners in 2021.
Four graduates attained the coveted First Class Honours, with a further sixteen attaining a Second Class Upper Honours meaning 60% of all SMI graduates haver attained the highest grades, and have the choice to progress with their studies at Master Level in any prestigious University in the World. At SMI YOU are #NotJustANumber
Join the Class of 2021

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education

Saint Martin’s Institute is a Recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London, established in Malta twenty one years ago to provide tuition to students who wish to read and graduate for a world renowned University, that is ranked with the very top 50 Universities in the world!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education founded in 1985, has been a member of the University of London Teaching Centre Network since 2000.

Quality of service and reputation of University

Universities offer themselves to b e ranked by known and trusted ranking systems, most prominent being QS University Ranking and the Times Higher Education world ranking system.

Malta depends on foreign direct investment for its economic development, and international entrepreneurs who are looking for local quality employees want to know that the qualifications presented are on par to the world’s best. Analysing industry dynamics in Malta, with a focus to the foreign owned subsidiaries operating in manufacturing, financial services, banks, igaming, ICT and other organisational sectors, the higher echelons are foreign nationals whilst middle and lower management being nationals.

Why should Maltese graduates be satisfied with the cake, whilst expatriates take the cherries and the cream on top!Why would the ranking of the University of London matter?

The very high ranking of the University of London is a guarantee that the syllabus that is developed for each of the undergraduate degrees on offer, is set on standards which when compared to other Universities offering the same programmes from all over the world, come out on top.

Saint Martin’s Institute is in the enviable position to offer tuition that leads to a degree under the academic direction of a high ranking University. Ranked #2 globally and #1 in Europe in management — the London School of Economics & Political Science [LSE]

QS World University Ranking ranks the LSE second world-wide and uses academic and employer reputation, as well as peer reviewed research paper citations to conclude the standing of each University. [Read More] The Times Higher Education World Ranking for 2021 ranks the LSE 4th in the UK & 27th globally in business & management.

Are you an expatriate family?

Expatriate families, living and working in Malta are constantly worried about the future of their children, especially as soon as these turn 18 years for non-EU citizens.

The Schengen visa system may be particularly tough on older children who lose their dependence on their parents, thus requiring children to leave the Schengen region at 21, if they end up without employment. Tuition fees for higher education are very expensive in the UK and USA; the most popular destinations for these families. Maltese state institutions also charge substantial tuition fees to non-EU students.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education charges the same tuition fee to students from whichever region of the world they come from, without any discrimination whether they are Maltese, EU or non-EU. Click the button below to know of the advantages of selecting SMI for your children’s higher education in Malta.

Expatriate Families children graduate by University of London


Give us a call on +356 21235451 or email us on or through our socials, and we will be more than happy to help you understand your career prospects. Check our website on

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Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the MFHEA with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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