Are your Matsec results disappointing?


We know how to help you!

Not achieving the results you were aspiring for, especially if necessary to follow a particular career, is always a heart breaking moment. But it should not be a moment of desperation.

How do YOU go from GLOOM to GLOW?

The Matriculation Certification, with its two advanced level, SOK and three intermediate level passes, and including Maltese at ordinary level, is required only by the University of Malta. Reading for a University of London degree in commerce or computing, taught at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, requires two advanced levels and four ordinary levels that must include Mathematics and English. And if a student may have faltered in attaining both A-levels, the student is allowed entry through an MQF level 5 Diploma that progresses to the degree at level two even with just the o-levels, proving himself or herself during the first year of the ability and motivation to progress to a full MQF level 6 degree.

So, why panic and treat this setback as the end of the route towards your undergraduate degree, when you are able to embark on a BSc (Hons) from a world renowned University of London, whilst still studying here in Malta.

The University of London & Saint Martin’s Institute

The successful tandem between these two institutions dates back twenty years, when Saint Martin’s Institute started to offer, for the first time in Malta, the possibility for Maltese students to read for a degree by a foreign university. The Institute is responsible from the teaching of the students, whilst the University examines and upon successful completion of the required study units will award a University of London degree.

Scores of students who did not latch onto the University of Malta system, but still wanted to read for their degree in computing or a field in commerce, turned to Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education for assistance. Some students gave up on their studies even before entry to the University of Malta, already finding themselves in difficulty preparing for their matriculation, and losing faith in their own abilities to graduate.

Names cannot be published on this blog, for obvious reasons, but we are very proud of what these young men and women, alumni of Saint Martin’s Institute have achieved with a substantial percentage reading for their master degree, with a few even progressing to a doctorate.

At Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, YOU are not just a number! You are treated as a human being, who needs to study and graduate to get ahead in life. The country needs well developed young people, in disciplines that the world demands. Young people today are European citizens, with the ability to move anywhere in the world seeking fulfilling careers in developed countries that are always on the lookout for talent. You can only show that you have the right talent if it is certified by a renowned and trusted University that is recognised globally as a centre of excellence.

Don’t throw away your future!

We’ve met so many situations, with students and parents coming reluctantly for our help, mostly after wasting substantial time and money, trying and retrying to attain those elusive points for the holy grail at Tal-Qroqq. We ask why it took them so long to come to us, and the reply is usually one (or all) of these;

Tuition fees are very expensive and the family cannot afford them.

If tuition fees worry you, they shouldn’t. A number of government schemes and incentives are available to ALL registered students, allowing you to study at Saint Martin’s Institute as a full-time student paying only 30% of the expenses. You do NOT have to pay anything whilst YOU are studying under the StudiesPlus scheme.

Learn how Government Schemes and Grants help you overcome tuition fees and other related expenses.

I did not attain my two a-levels!

The University of London offers students the possibility to read its degrees from year two, if a student can show successful completion of one of the MQF level 5 diplomas accredited by the MFHEA and awarded by Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education. To embark on a diploma a student requires a minimum of four Sec O-levels, that include Mathematics and English.

I have all the qualifications except for Maltese Sec O-Level!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education and the University of London do not demand Maltese as a compulsory ordinary level.

Are the degrees recognised?

All the Institute’s qualifications are accredited with the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority meaning that through the Malta Qualification Framework (MQF), all our qualifications are recognised throughout the EU, and since they are conferred by the University of London that is widely acknowledge as a top global University, graduates have confidently and successfully presented their degree all over the world.

What makes Saint Martin’s Institute special?

Saint Martin’s Institute is what every other educational institution should really be. The institute is focused upon the potential of each and every student. The Institute is big enough to offer a community of students, but small enough to offer individual attention to each student’s need through a pedagogy of student-centred learning to maximise each individual’s potential.

Do I get Stipends & maintenance grants?

Yes! Students reading as full time students have the same rights as those attending state institutions in receiving monthly stipends and annual maintenance grants for each year of study. The scheme is known as the Malta Government Undergraduate Scheme.

These are the amounts payable as stipends & grants throughout the three years of a full-time degree course.
Mr Tom Paris had no choice, because the State Institutions would not accept him owing to his learning difficulties. Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education and the University of London offered Tom a chance, and he not only graduated but later even decided to read an MSc with the University of London as an internal student! YOU are #NotJustANumber at SMI (Apologies for the quality of the audio!)
Having Learning Difficulties does not mean that your future is thwarted.


[Click Here] for the Computing Prospectus and [Click Here] for the Commerce.

Give us a call on +356 21235451 or email us on or through our socials, and we will be more than happy to help you understand your career prospects. Check our website on

Apply ONLINE [Click Here]
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the MFHEA with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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