In search of excellence
for our future …
The education system in Malta is key to the nation, because the young men and women who are being educated now will be the leaders who will be generating wealth for the nation in future. Therefore, the ongoing negative comments that have dogged the sector for these past two decades resulting in major deficiencies in the abilities of graduates that are joining the industry, is a cause of worry.
Why aren’t graduates reaching industry’s expectations?
Serious gaps are observed in what are known as transversal skills including creative thinking, adaptability and resilience. Looking at the National Employee Skills Survey by Jobs Plus, employers reported that their staff lack problem solving skills (43.0%), customer handling skills (37.7%), team-working skills (34.9%) and oral communication skills (31.8%). All this in addition to a massive ICT skills gap that is necessary to their essential contribution to digitalising workplaces and implementing systems for remote work. According to Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), digital skills accounted for a 23% share of total skills demand.
This situation is resulting in an increase in the employment of foreign nationals in managerial, professional, technical and office jobs. This concrete data, as compiled and highlighted by the Chamber of Commerce National Workforce Strategy report by RSM just published, highlight the deficiencies and cracks in the provision of the state institutions at all levels.
The world moved in this direction in the 1970s.
UNESCO commissioned a study under the leadership of Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission and former French Minister of Economy and Finance, which was published in 1972 and published as ‘Learning: The Treasure Within’ that emphasized the importance of a humanistic approach to education. The study established “the four pillars” of education: learning to be, learning to know, learning to do, and learning to live together. The report further emphasized and updated the concept of lifelong learning.
How is quality measured?
Saint Martin’s Institute has worked hard at building a pedagogy that embraces all the aspects of the four pillars of education. The structure of each qualification includes the right mix of theoretical principles and practical aspects of the field of study in order to build the students’ confidence in presenting solutions to difficult questions.
It goes without saying, though, that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Pedagogy must give meaningful and tangible results that are measurable. The adoption of the JAYE Start-Up competition, designed for university students to portray their creativity in developing an innovative product from scratch and present it to a panel of international judges.
The ability to assimilate knowledge that must be integrated in a start-up business plan is daunting even for a hardened entrepreneur, so imagine what it is for a group of teenagers just finishing first year of their university degree. All the elements taught in the lecture theatres must be adapted and condensed into a meaningful 12-page business plan that needs to communicate all the ideas on how a business can be successfully launched and nurtured towards success.
An Institute is assessed by how well (or badly) its students fare when assessed by independent examiners. The 2021 examination results, set and marked by the University of London examination panels have been published.
Look at the impressive achievements — 21% of all examination papers scored a Distinction, whilst 37% a Merit — close to half the papers sat for attaining the top two grades! (These percentages are from 169 papers sat for by Saint Martin’s Institute students). And 60% of all graduates from SMI attaining a First- or Second-Class Upper Honours!
If you are interested in 2019’s results click here.
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin’s Institute is a Recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London, established in Malta twenty-one years ago to provide tuition to students who wish to read and graduate for a world-renowned University, that is ranked with the very top 50 Universities in the world! The results listed above are not from any university, but one that is ranked very high in all world ranking systems.
Quality of service and reputation of a university
Universities offer themselves to b e ranked by known and trusted ranking systems, most prominent being QS University Ranking and the Times Higher Education world ranking system.
The very high ranking of the University of London is a guarantee that the syllabus that is developed for each of the undergraduate degrees on offer, is set on standards which when compared to other universities offering the same programmes from all over the world, come out on top.
Saint Martin’s Institute is in the enviable position to offer tuition that leads to a degree under the academic direction of a high ranking University. Ranked #2 globally and #1 in Europe in management — the London School of Economics & Political Science [LSE]
The Times Higher Education World Ranking for 2021 ranks the LSE 4th in the UK & 27th globally in business & management.
Are you an expatriate family?
Expatriate families, living and working in Malta are constantly worried about the future of their children, especially as soon as these turn 18 years for non-EU citizens.
The Schengen visa system may be particularly tough on older children who lose their dependence on their parents, thus requiring children to leave the Schengen region at 21, if they end up without employment. Tuition fees for higher education are very expensive in the UK and USA; the most popular destinations for these families. Maltese state institutions also charge substantial tuition fees to non-EU students.
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education charges the same tuition fee to students from whichever region of the world they come from, without any discrimination whether they are Maltese, EU or non-EU. Click the button below to know of the advantages of selecting SMI for your children’s higher education in Malta.
Give us a call on +356 21235451 or email us on or through our socials, and we will be more than happy to help you understand your career prospects. Check our website on
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