2019 Results are out … and they are GREAT!
Heartfelt congratulations to ALL our students who, year after year make us stand out with their exceptional achievements.
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Saint Martin’s Institute is a Recognised Teaching Institution for the University of London and responsible for the preparation of students for the University’s examinations. The grades shown here reflect the results from the correction of examination scripts by the University of London examination boards. At no time are Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education academics privy of the examination paper content, or are in any way involved in the marking of the student. The examination process is the responsibility of the University of London that awards the final degree, whilst Saint Martin’s Institute is charged with the teaching and preparation of the students here in Malta!
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BSc (Hons) Business Administration Programme
Academic Leadership by Royal Holloway, University of London
Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) Business Administration degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by Royal Holloway, a member college of the University.
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55% of Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education Students who read for their BSc (Hons) in Business Administration have achieved a second class honours degree whilst all the remaining students attained a respectable second class lower classification.
We wish the class of 2016/19: Andre, Ba Hieu Pham (Henry), Erica, Ivan, Lee, Katryna, Mohamed, Nicole, Sam, Stephen, & Yuan all the very best wishes for their careers. WELL DONE!!
BSc (Hons) Degrees in Economics, Management, Finance & Social Sciences
under the academic direction of the London School of Economics (LSE)
Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) in Finance related degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by the #2 world ranking the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), a member college of the University of London.
50% of graduates finishing off their BSc (Hons) degree studies have attained either a First Class Honours or a Second Class Upper Honours! This is a great feat and we augur these students further successes in their studies at Postgraduate and careers. Graduating from a degree that is academically led (examined) by the LSE faculty means a the top global Universities will welcome these graduates with doors wide open.
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BSc (Hons) in Computing
academic direction of Goldsmiths College
Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) in Computing degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by Goldsmiths College, a member college of the University of London.
The Institute continues with its legacy of excellent classifications in Computing, with 45% attaining a First Class Honours degree. This adds to the legacy of a minimum of 40% first class attainment in Computing, since the graduation ceremony of 2004–15 years of excellence!
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And this is no exception … check our 2018 and our 2017 results!
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And won the JAYE Start-Up Competition (Malta) for the THIRD consecutive year!
Winning is great. Winning the competition for three consecutive years (out of the four years that Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education student teams participated) is a feat! Winning the JA European Enterprise in 2017 — the first time Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education team won the Maltese competition was simply ecstatic!
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This is where it all started
Every ending has a start …
All the graduates enjoying their time in the limelight of success for completing their undergraduate studies, had started at some point. These are the Class of 2016, and here are some memories of their time at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education.
The 2016 SMI graduation ceremony for students who had read for the MQF level 5 diplomas that led to the MQF level 6 degrees awarded by the University of London.
Just two years ago, this student cohort was celebrating their achievements in the MQF Level 5 Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Diploma in Finance, Diploma in Management & Leadership, Diploma in Computing & Information Systems and Diploma in Creative Computing (the latter two awarded by the UOL) during the Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education Graduation Ceremony.
Souvenir Album 2017 Explore this photo album of Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education class of 2017–19 on Flickr!
This year’s MQF level 5 Diploma online graduation
Owing to the pandemic, this year we are not able to celebrate graduation in-person in a hall. This is the very best we can do, given the circumstances, and hoping for going back to normality for future years.
What’s next …
The University of London Graduation Ceremony, at the Barbican, London on March 3rd, 2020
The three years of focused efforts rewarded by this fantastic ceremony! 😍
Do YOU aspire to graduate from a world renowned University of London?
If you yearn to learn what the business world has to offer, and wish to join the next class make an appointment NOW by completing this form or email us on or give us a call on +356 2123 5451.
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Remember YOU are worth the best chances in life!
You will graduate from one of the most renowned Universities in the world, opening up opportunities both for work as well as for further studies;
You will qualify for €4,230 in stipends and maintenance grants spread over your three years of study;
A pay as you go system, with easy payment terms and income tax refunds to ascertain that you will benefit from your parents’ or your own income tax contribution. After all, charity begins at home!
If monthly payments are stifling on your parents’/legal guardian’s or your own disposable income, we can provide you with assistance through the SMIFlexiPay™plan — paying your fees at just €100 every month.