Excellence …
Our story continues with another year of exceptional results
A University of London Recognised Teaching Centre
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, a recognised teaching centre for the world renowned University of London is very pleased to announce that the first results have been published, and as used to in the past twenty years, the achievements are exceptional.
Whilst the institute in Malta is responsible for the preparation of students based upon syllabi and curriculum that is set by the University’s examination boards, students sit for these exams that are marked and published by the University of London. At no time are Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education academics privy of the examination paper content, or are in any way involved in the marking of the student. The examination process is the responsibility of the University of London that awards the final degree, whilst Saint Martin’s Institute is charged with the teaching and preparation of the students here in Malta!
BSc (Hons) Business Administration Programme
Academic Leadership by Royal Holloway, University of London
Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) Business Administration degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by Royal Holloway, a member college of the University of London. 19% of graduating students have attained a classification of first class honours, whilst a further whopping 56% — more than half our graduates have attained a second upper honours classification. Exactly 3 out of every 4 students graduating in this programme have the opportunity to read for the Master degree at any top university they wish to.
If you wish to check out last year’s results (2021), please click here
At Saint Martin’s Institute it is only quality that counts
Each student at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education merits attention because each and every one is important. The institute focuses on the needs of each in a student centred pedagogy, that focuses on the needs of each individual. The students who have finished their degree successfully at the institute started in 2019 as a very mixed group of students, from different nationalities, and a wide diversity in abilities and weaknesses. It is the talent and vocation of all academics, who work hard to prepare each and every student under their care, to develop in preparedness to sit for examinations of unwavering international standard. The University of London will never lower standards to look good with any particular institute. It is the institute that needs to ascertain that students are able to reach and supersede the standards set by this acclaimed university.
Very few vacancies are available. Give us a call on +356 21235451 or email us on infodesk@stmartins.edu or through our socials, and we will be more than happy to help you understand your career prospects. Check our website on https://www.stmartins.edu