Breaking the myth of computing!
Bit by Bit …
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a pioneer in computing in Malta. When it was founded, in 1985, it was totally impossible to study computing — even at ordinary level. In fact the Institute knows its roots to the teaching of ordinary and advanced level computer studies in the 1980s and 1990s, until as a millennium project, the Institute introduced the opportunity for Maltese students to read for an evening degree in Computing & Information Systems conferred by the University of London.
The Institute is proud of its achievements during the decades, even being the transformative element in introducing pluralism in the Maltese higher education scene. Yet the highest achievement of the Institute is the large number of alumni who not only graduated from the world renowned University of London, but also the very high percentage of First class and second class upper honours degrees achieved throughout these past twenty years. The record breaking achievements, year on year, are unsurpassed by any other recognised teaching institution for the University of London.
Computers have evolved at a much faster speed than humans can understand them and harness their potential through programming
This is the challenge we humans face. We have the computer technology that promises massive potential, but we cannot dedicate the human resources that are able to harness the power of the machine. Computer science has branched out in so many directions, that we cannot even start to count the many options of specialisations that exist. Long gone is the time when a computer science degree was a mix of mathematics and electronics engineering. The variants of computer science today leave you breathless, offering fields of study that knit themselves into all aspects of social life.
The degrees on offer at Saint Martin’s Institute all have in common the teaching of computer science, with at least two thirds of the syllabus dedicated to the core functionality and the necessity to learn how to programme these wonderful machines. But, to make the degrees even more exciting our portfolio is attracting artists, musicians, authors, architects, psychologists and historians, apart from mainstream programmers and technical specialists, to feed expertise into an ever growing industry that is encompassing society at a rapid rate.
Focus on Computing in its wider reaches
Saint Martin’s Institute has actively contributed towards the development of the ICT industry in Malta. As an Institute we know we must look ahead and provide students with job possibilities of the future, and not the past.
These are the degrees we are opening this academic year starting 27th September.
BSc (Hons) Computing
The BSc Computing will allow you to develop a wide and practical skill set in computing with strong programming and mathematics skills, as well as softer skills in project management, presentation and team work. You will also have a portfolio of work that you can present to potential employers. This degree allows you to develop high programming skills to join the software development industry.
BSc (Hons) Computing with Security & Cryptography
The BSc Computing with a specialisation in security is the first of its kind in Malta, offering students the opportunity to embark on a career in this highly demanded area of computing. As society becomes ever more reliant on computers, this backbone is becoming vulnerable to attacks that may cripple every day life, apart from incurring substantial expenses. This is a Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education awarded degree, accredited with the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority as a Malta/European Qualification Framework level 6 degree.
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Machine Learning & AI
Machine learning provides a means for computer systems to extract useful information from data. These techniques are widely used in the technology industry for a variety of applications, for example driverless cars, recommending music and products, identifying faces in photos or works of art, and predicting trends in financial markets. Students may transfer to this degree either from the Diploma in Computing or the Diploma in Computing with Information Systems.
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Games Design & Development
Video games are a critical application area for computer science, and the games industry forms a significant part of the creative economy. It is a complicated subject, drawing on other areas such as computer graphics, interaction design and artificial intelligence, as well as skills such as art & design, music and the psychology of game play.
Art, music, programming, networking, story telling, marketing — a computer game embodies all these skills.
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Virtual Reality
Virtual reality [VR] involves the creation of immersive, simulated environments using computer systems. Recent technology advances have made it possible to create high fidelity, high immersion virtual realities which people can access with consumer hardware. Even a simple cardboard headset with a smart phone can provide the immersive pleasure of a VR experience. VR has many application areas, including entertainment, education and military.
Structure of the Degree
The degree may be read either as a full-time student (16 years and over) or by studying in the evening whilst keeping your current job (evening students must be 21 years and over).
Full Time Study
As a full-time student you will spend three years reading for your honours degree at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, with the opportunity to graduate from the University of London.
Evening Students
Individuals who are already in employment and wish to change their career to move to the ICT industry, or may already be working in ICT but have no formal qualifications would find this an excellent opportunity to graduate and learn new fields in computing. Reading for the degree as an evening student requires five academic years of study to comply with the exigencies of the law governing the international accreditation of Level 6 degrees.
Get all the details of our portfolio of undergraduate programmes by checking out our prospectus.
Easy Monthly Payment Terms & 70% Money Back on Successful Completion
Embarking on your studies need not bankrupt you. We at Saint Martin’s Institute know full well that money does not come easy, and we are very careful to charge fair and reasonable tuition fees, that will cover our costs in giving you the very best service possible.
You may study without paying a single Euro in tuition fees under the Studies Plus+ Scheme and through the GetQualified Scheme you will end up paying only 30% of all the fees due.
Click Here if you plan to study or you are a parent of a full time student
Click Here if you are in employment and wish to study in the evening (21+)
Take your career to the next level
We know it is important to consider your future career before you embark on a degree. We have helped hundreds of individuals, just like you, focus on industry specialisms that guarantee the achievement of each individual’s career goals. And we are known for the attention we give to each of our students, because at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, you are not just a number. Visit our web site on to get to know what we can offer you.
Give us a call on +356 2123 5451 or drop us an email on or on our socials and we will get in touch.