Your Intelligence Maximized!


Is your education repressing your intelligence rather than discovering it?

Intelligence is a mysterious aspect of human psychology. Education is meant to help extract the inherent intelligence, buried deep in your psyche, but alas many young people feel stifled when pursuing higher education. Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education has built a legacy on its ability to work with every student, discover the strengths and weaknesses and stretch students’ abilities to achieve beyond their expectations!

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Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is an Affiliate of the University of London offering tuition for degrees awarded by this world renowned University in Malta.

Very (very) high achieving graduates

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a high quality teaching institution

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education offers MQF Level 5 Diploma and MQF Level 6 Degree (BSc Hons) Programmes in Commerce : Accounting, Banking, Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, International Business, Management and Marketing; as well as in Computing : Creative Computing, Digital Marketing, Fintech, Games Design & Development, Information Systems, User Experience, and Web Development. This wide portfolio of qualification leads to readily available jobs and careers, in Malta and overseas, with graduates offered opportunities for internships whilst still in their studies, and full time employment upon graduation.

21% or a fifth of our graduates this year have achieved a FIRST CLASS Honours degree examined and conferred by the world renowned and highly ranked University of London!

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How do we do this?

Pure dedication!

There is no way to cut corners with the University of London. The examining boards from the colleges that offer academic direction set the syllabus, set the paper and mark students’ scripts. We need to teach the students in preparation for these examinations and we do not have any selective process in place just to make sure we attract the best students!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education accepts students who possess the minimum qualifications as set on a first come first served basis, and these exceptional results come through the dedication each academic puts in with his or her students.

This is a clear example of how each organisation is involved in your higher education

Isn’t this what YOU expect?

Your Benefits, Explained!

Entrance requirements are softer. No Maltese at o-level is required, and neither is Mathematics at intermediate or advanced level a requirement for any of our programmes. So if you wish to study computing, marketing, HRM or international business, you do not need intermediate mathematics, neither. Check us out before you despair!

Personal attention to your academic needs. Your parents have made a lot of effort for you before this point, and now you need to read for a degree from an Institute that puts your needs beyond anything else. Nearly half of higher education students at other institutions drop out from their respective courses. Not at Saint Martin’s Institute where we value every individual student because You are #NotJustANumber. Check this year’s great results

A degree conferred by the world renowned University of London with programmes under the academic direction of the London School of Economics & Political Science [LSE], ranked #2 by QS2018 in Management & Social Science, the Royal Holloway and Goldsmiths College. Your degree will be valued globally and for YOUR lifetime.

A streamlined programme of study starting from your sixth form (or in some cases even fifth form) to your BSc (Hons) degree in 3 academic years. Cut all the wasted years from your studies, you may find them useful to read for your Masters, or to start earning a good salary.

Easy monthly payment scheme of €100 per month with the SMIFlexiPay™ so that your parents will not be stressed out with tuition fees.

Stipends and Maintenance grants payable to you just like UOM students.

€4,230 for Commerce and €7,690 for Computing

A scholarship fund of €120,000 for high achieving students offered as an annual grant of €1,000 totaling to €3,000 for every registered full time student that attains a grades 1 or 2 in six ordinary levels including mathematics & English.

Internship possibilities and very good career prospects in Malta and overseas.

Don’t waste YOUR time running after your tail!

Call us now for an appointment on +356 2123 5451 or email us on or complete this form and we will contact you ourselves.

Remember YOU deserve the best!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:

Congratulations — 2018 Results

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Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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