Are Your Taxes Serving Your Child’s Education?


Our higher education system uses up a huge percentage of income tax contributions to offer free education at the State Institutions — but what if your child does not fit in any offered by Government? What are your options?

You are now allowed to use your own income tax paid to the Government to pay for your own child’s undergraduate degree (BSc) tuition fees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education.

Think : what’s best for your child?

Your child deserves the very best education money can buy.

As a parent or legal guardian you have already invested heavily in your child’s education. You have probably spent years paying substantial fees to an independent or church school not to mention the money spent towards private lessons.


Because you want to do all that needs to be done to ensure that your child will get the best possible education in preparation for the future! And what happens after secondary school? Don’t you think your child deserve the same care as before?

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Use your own taxes to your child’s benefit!

Parents or legal guardians are able to utilise their own annual income tax contribution to compensate for the tuition fees they pay for their child’s education at tertiary level. The example provided below is worked out based on the median income in Malta, and shows how a parent on this salary is able to recoup €3,300 per year paid as income tax as compensation for meeting the tuition fees for their own son or daughter.

An individual earning €25,000 gross salary per year pays an income tax of €3,328.13 that may be claimed back against receipts of tuition fees paid for your child’s education at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education — up to €3,500 for the MQF level 5 diploma and up to €12,500 for the MQF level 6 degree, totaling €16,000 income tax reclaimed — equivalent to 5 years of income tax returned by Government to reimburse you up to 70% of your child’s expenses!

If you wish a detailed breakdown of how the system works with your own gross salary and what tax rebates you will receive, please ask to meet one of our members of staff to explain in detail.

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Why choose to pay when you may get it for free?

Parents and legal guardians rightfully ask — ‘why should we choose Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education and pay tuition fees when Government Institutions such as the University of Malta and MCAST are free?’

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education puts value on quality education above all else! The Institute has a track record of a thousand past graduates, who have excelled in their studies and went on to follow rewarding careers in Malta & Overseas — whatever their academic qualifications at the entry point! Saint Martin’s Institute prepares students thoroughly for an international benchmark of higher education, leaving no doubt in the minds of employers about the validity of the qualification and the preparedness of the candidate for the job.

Take a look at the results attained by Saint Martin’s Institute students.

Three main characteristics make Saint Martin’s Institute right for your child’s higher education

1. Your child deserves the best possible attention whilst reading for a degree. Parents and legal guardians are led to believe that once out of compulsory education, children can fend for themselves. Some do, but many students don’t, and they feel like being thrown in a storm in a struggle for survival! At Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education our attention is geared towards guaranteeing that your child will become an independent learner as early as possible. Students are #NotJustANumber at Saint Martin’s and this is not simply a slogan. The Audit Team from the National Commission for Further & Higher Education (NCFHE) of the Government of Malta concluded that the institute SURPASSED EXPECTATIONS with respect to Student Centred Learning after scrutinising the operations of the Institution over a period of five years. With student groups of less than 30 students we dedicate time and commitment to the needs of your child. Learn more about the 33 year legacy of Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education.

2. A world renowned University of London degree lasts a lifetime.Graduating from one of the globally recognized Universities, with five member colleges ranked in the top 50 Universities in the world, and the LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) #2 in world ranking by QS 2019, means that your child attains a degree, renowned globally onw which will last for a lifetime career. It is not just the recognition and prominence though — the ranking is based upon what research is carried out in the field by academics at the University, and how this research is propagated across the different levels at the University. Your child will gain from this leading edge knowledge! Know more about the University of London.

3. Value for money. Not all that is free is of good value. We at Saint Martin’s Institute and the University of London, with the assistance of the Government of Malta through stipends, maintenance grants, and income tax rebates will support YOUR child to receive the education they need. We have developed the SMIFlexiPay that requires an affordable payment of €100 per month for 60 months, and this will be your net cost on your child’s fees. The other fees due are reimbursed through the GetQualified scheme tax rebates up to a maximum of €3,500 for the MQF level 5 diploma (first year of the degree) and up to €12,500 for the MQF level 6 degree (last two years of the degree). Read this for detailed information.

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€3000 Scholarship for High Achieving Students

Yes, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education has earmarked €120,000 in funding for scholarships to up to 40 high achieving students who register to read for University of London degrees as full time students at the Institute. Apply by 31st August, 2019 and if you have the required ordinary level subjects at grades 1 or 2 including Mathematics and English, you will receive a €1,000 grant for every year of your studies.

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Stipends and maintenance grants (MGUS)

Students who read for a Business degree get €4,230 in stipends and maintenance grants and those who study computing will earn €7,690 over the three years of their studies at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education.

Entry Requirements

must be at least 16 years old by December 2019;

normally possess a minimum of 4 ordinary level passes, including Mathematics and English language. Please check entry requirements for each qualification in the prospectuses for computing and commerce.

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A Fresh Exciting Start for YOUR Child

Make your child’s tertiary education an experience that lasts a life time, without breaking the bank!

A graduation ceremony of the University of London

What do students say?

Read Ms Castillo’s whole story click here

Act now

The closing date of our applications is on August 31st. Applications are on a first-come-first-served basis and once a class reaches the maximum number of students,, no more applications are accepted for the qualification.

Application forms may be downloaded and handed in at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education in Hamrun, with the application fee of €125.

Our normal office hours are Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am to noon.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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