Your children’s results are out …
What’s the next step?
For a number of personal reasons, not everyone wants to or can read for a higher education qualification at a State Institution. The Studies+ Scheme offers a great opportunity for students who opt to read for their degrees at licensed private institutions to do so, without the stress of tuition and ancillary fees during their studies.
Students don’t make any payments whilst studying, starting to make monthly payments only when in employment. Also upon graduation they will be eligible for a total of €16,000 in income tax rebate, on condition they are working in Malta!
Read all about eligibility and more: Click Here
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education
Is it worth your consideration?
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a licensed institution by the National Commission for Further & Higher Education and a Recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London. Maltese and international students have been reading for University of London degrees at the Institute since the year 2000, and throughout these years, the performance of graduates has been stellar. [Yes Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is well worth a visit, and all you need to do is complete this form and we will contact you for a no obligations appointment at your convenience.]
Prospectuses: Computing Click Here … Commerce Click Here
Individual Attention Targeted towards Student’s Needs
Because we believe that everyone is important…
Your children are important to YOU! The values of Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education are based upon this singularity — each individual is important, and the academics and administration staff do their utmost to see that each student is given every possible opportunity to succeed. [Are all students who attend Saint Martin’s Institute successful? Yes the vast majority succeed beyond expectations when they realise what a special place Saint Martin’s Institute is!]
[If you think these achievements are easy — think again. These are students who have met calamity in their past studies. Do YOU want your children perform in the blue and red bands? At SMI they stand a fighting chance.]
Seriously — A Quality Education is Priceless
Is SMI free? Alas NO! … Is it Affordable? Thankfully YES!
Tuition fees aren’t welcome! The Institute is aware of the many bills families need to meet and this is exactly why tuition fees have been slashed and structured in such a way that offer parents or guardians the ability to contribute €25 per week for 240 weeks AND the Income Tax Rebate (up to €16,000) received by the parent/guardian under the Get Qualified Scheme to meet their child’s tertiary education.
Learn More Click Here
Students earn stipends and maintenance grants just like any other student reading for a degree in a State University. [Yes, Saint Martin’s Institute is Cheaper AND Better for your children’s education. If YOUR children are the brightest, you want them to graduate from the likes of the London School of Economics, highly ranked in the world. And if they struggle, you still want the best attention for them — don’t you? Whatever your child’s academic achievements they are surely worth the investment of €25 per week?]
Enough said … ACT!
Give us a call on 21235451 or drop us an email on
Ask for a meeting. Click Here.