My Child comes FIRST!



Two thirds of students who sat for their Matriculation Certificate last May/June 2017 did not attain the necessary grades to be awarded the certificate as requirement for entrance to the University of Malta. MCAST has announced that its programmes are open for students who possess no qualifications.

What does this mean for your son or daughter?

Higher education in Malta is financed through a system called transfer payment. Taxpayers in Malta are contributing towards the higher education of other peoples’ children from whatever background they may have. But to benefit from this ‘free’ education, students must pass their matriculation certificate, or join those who don’t bother to attain any qualifications at all.

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My Taxes for My Child

Now you can use YOUR own income tax, to pay for your own child’s higher education! Under the GetQualified scheme, Government is offering YOU the opportunity to receive back your income tax that you pay annually as compensation for the tuition fees that you would have paid. You may attain up to €3,500 for a level 5 diploma and a further €12,500 for a level 6 degree if you opt to pay for your son’s or daughter’s education. The Government will be subsidizing your child’s private education by 70% of the cost. Your net cost will amount to just about €4,000 over the 3 to 4 years of study. If you want more details you may wish to read this.

Interested? Click Here


If it is the monthly payments that are a problem, we have a specifically designed scheme, in conjunction with Bank of Valletta plc, to cover any cash flow issues. The scheme offers you a €15,000 fund at 3.8% annual interest that may be used when needed to make tuition or other study related payments as they come due. The maximum payment you would be required to pay in the first year would be of €75 per month, in the second year €127 per month and in the third year €275 per month … but remember that you will be receiving your income tax back as a bulk payment from the second year onward. (Monthly payments are approximate because they depend on the draw down from the fund).

As you can see we have taken care to make your son’s or daughter’s education as painless on your pocket as is possible! Interested? Click Here

Imagine your own son or daughter during the graduating ceremony in 3 to 4 years from now!

Don’t waste any more time and money

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is an Affiliate of the University of London and is a teaching institution preparing students to be conferred by this world renowned University. The Institute is also a licensed higher education with license number 196 and through its march 2017 audit has been commended for its student centred learning methodology.

This quality assurance review checked every aspect of the Institute’s operations and through interviewing students, academics and management added to observing the institute in action, has provided confidence in the Institute’s commitment towards its student cohort.

Yet, this is not the only clear indicator of the Institute’s dedication to the well being of its students. Every year, Saint Martin’s Institute students sit for close to 800 examination papers, set and corrected by the University of London examiners, with close to 96% passes, and over 40% of final year students attaining a first class from this prestigious University. The Institute is proud of this track record that spans these past seventeen years, and looks forward to further efforts to improve even these staggering results. Interested? Click Here

We will do our part. Will you?

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a private institution, and it needs to charge tuition fees to sustain its salaries and investments in its facilities for its students. The Institute does not receive any government financing, but still makes every attempt to make its service to its students as affordable as possible.

Students need to stretch their abilities and they must be in classes of like minded students who aim to achieve high levels of competences and skills.

Our methodology has transformed hundreds of students who had very low esteem with regard to their studies. These same students have achieved top class grades with Saint Martin’s and graduated with the honours and achieved academic awards. A number of our alumni have now achieved their masters and a few even their doctorate, apart from the vast majority with excellent jobs. These achievements are not attained by cutting corners. Students need to be challenged, by academics who are highly qualified and willing to share their knowledge and help students attain the skills sought after by employers. Interested? Click Here

Diploma in Entrepreneurship students winning the Junior Achievement European Enterprise 2017 Competition against 18 other Universities from each European Country. All other students were reading for Masters Degrees.

Come in and talk to us and be informed

Information is the most important asset that you need right now, to make an informed decision together with your son or daughter. We kid you not! Saint martin’s Institute of Higher Education has been around since 1985 and has continued to grow from strength to strength based on its values of providing the very best education and always, always being honest in what it offers. All programmes are accredited and internationally renowned, and over 700 alumni have been conferred their degree by the University of London.

These individuals could not have got it wrong! #StartMyInspiration

eMail us on or call +356 2123 5451 for an appointment at your convenience or just complete this form, and we will contact you directly Click Here .




Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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