You are NOT Just a Number


When your studies get tough, YOUR interests should come first!

Reading for an undergraduate degree is one of the most difficult times in your career. The transition from basic compulsory education, to higher education is not just stressful, but utterly scary to first year freshmen!

At higher education the expectations of the system flips overnight. Students are expected to know the theoretical aspects of the field of study inside and out, yet, it is their application that will make a star student, and not simply the ability to regurgitate what is on a text book or lecturer’s notes. The application of knowledge and proof of the skills attained are the primary objectives of higher education.

The role of the academic is to help in crossing the bridge from rote to reason.

Everyone should be able to cope with the demands of higher education

With the right institution offering help and assistance!

The horror stories of students trying to grapple with a subject whilst professors and lecturers seem engrossed in a world of their own, are no secret!

Students who go through a positive experience in their compulsory education, in a well organised and structured academic year, by teachers following a sound syllabus and continuously assisting students, will find the seemingly chaotic non-system of a University hard to grasp.

Some lecturers stretch the concept of ‘students reading for a degree’ to its furthest limits — examining students who feel ill-prepared for the exam because of the little contact with their lecturers, and no opportunity to attain feedback to their questions. No wonder, seeing that students are usually amassed in their hundreds in a lecture theatre!

The Student-centred learning model that is practised at Saint Martin’s Institute is key to a sound higher education in today’s fast paced world. Academics, whilst pursuing higher levels of learning in their specialisation through research, must complement this through a teaching vocation. It is an anomaly to have a ‘lecturer’ who is so engrossed in research, yet finding teaching tedious if not a waste of time.

A true researcher is one that gets motivated through publication of findings, and the teaching of such findings to his/her own students!

Many Universities make the effort to minimise their costs by cramming as many students as possible to a single lecture. The best Universities, though, focus on the needs of the student and ensure a low lecturer to student ratio, because this is a clear indicator of the attention that each academic can allocate to each student in class, increasing the possibility of students passing with great grades!

At Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education with a ratio of one academic for every ten students, lecturers are, in all aspects, mentors and facilitators for their students, with guaranteed written feedback on pieces of work presented throughout the academic year to each and every student.

Interested in knowing what SMI can offer you? Click here

Click here for tuition fees.

This level of care and internationally renowned education need not bankrupt you or your family!

And you may also study without paying anything until you’re in employment. Read Benefit from Financial Assistance for YOUR Studies Click Here

Every Student is a cherished son or daughter, and Academics at SMI treat students as they would want their own children to be educated!

At SMI YOU are #NotJustANumber — Guidance Teachers told Tom his best bet in life would either be as a Volley Ball Player or a Carpenter. He not only graduate from the University of London at BSc (Hons) Information Systems & Management, but then went on to read for his Master Degree at Royal Holloway, University of London as an internal student. #FirstClassMotivation #FirstClassEducationalExperience

Our students’ success stories are simply too many to mention. Read From School Leaver to a Doctorate Click Here

The National Commission for Further & Higher Education, commended the Institute in its Audit when it pointed out;

‘ SMI prides itself on its personal and individualised approach. Students enjoy close interaction with all members of staff at all levels and see themselves as peers in the learning process. There is a conscious and concerted effort on the part of all lecturers to provide students with relevant and timely feedback’.

Interested to join the class of 2020? Click here

Letting others assess students’ attainment

Saint Martin’s Institute students read for University of London degrees

Registered students at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education follow a portfolio of degrees examined and conferred by the world renowned University of London. The Institute is proud of this special relationship, a relationship that has facilitated over a thousand students to graduate from this highly respected University without the need for students to live in London (at substantially higher expense in tuition fees, accommodation & subsistence costs).

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is celebrating its 35th anniversary since it opened its doors, and the twentieth anniversary since joining the University of London global network of recognised teaching centres.

The University of London is a world renowned University with a long history of innovation

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is proud to be affiliated with this top in its class University. Saint Martin’s Institute was one of six world affiliates to have been awarded the Quality Award by the University on its 150th celebration from its launch of establishing its international programme.

The Institute does not only follow the curricula as presented by the lead colleges of the University, but also Saint Martin’s Institute students sit for examinations set and marked by the examining boards of the University.

Results speak by themselves. Over these past two decades, 40% of the Institute’s students have managed a first class honours classification when graduating from the University of London.

Check the University of London results for 2019 click here

Now this may be a long way ahead — or is it? Three years fly past when you are enjoying your studies!

Act Now

You may choose from a wide variety of fields of study. Check our prospectus for Commerce or Computing to join some of the most highly demanded career fields in Malta and overseas!

Browse our 2020 Prospectus to get to know of the wide spectrum of specialisations you may choose to study.

If you wish to have a one to one chat with regard to your choice of qualification, you may complete this online contact form call us on +356 2123 5451 for an appointment, or communicate with us through our website or Facebook or email us on

If you are already convinced that you want to join us for the upcoming academic year, then just complete this Application Form and email it to us on

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:

Quality Assurance in Education

Private education is not inferior to state institutions! Far from it, a University of the Caliber of the University of London is hard to find in Malta! Click Here

Benefit for Financial Assistance for your Studies

Interest free loan with no payments during your term of study, covering all your expenses is now available. Interested? Click Here

Tuition Fees (2020–2021) for Full Time Students

Tuition fees designed with the well-being of the student’s families in mind.
Attain all the information. Click Here

In employment & wish to study?

If you have not yet attained a first degree, studying in the evening is a good solution if you need to keep your day job. Attain the fee structure. Click Here

My Taxes for My Child

How much is your child’s achievement worth. Read more. Click Here



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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