Will Covid defeat our students?


The long-term effect of a stretched pandemic emergency.

The Covid Pandemic shocked the world because of its rapid global transmission and devastating effect on health and economies. Few though are thinking on the effect the pandemic may have on the development of this current generation of students embarking or reading for their undergraduate degrees. What possibilities are emerging to allow these same youngsters to participate in the economic growth of their country, as well as personal fulfilment.

Let us not forget their mental and physical welfare. In a time when these young people should be socialising on university campuses, as well as entertainment venues, they have been subjected to a situation which has been psychologically troubling for many youths, to say the least.

Society and its Economic Health

By now, the economy should be booming — at least that was the promise as peoples’ health was protected through an aggressive vaccination programme. Sadly, the new, much stronger delta variant is causing uncertainty among nations and their governments, with many economies faltering through the third and fourth wave, when by now the covid virus was supposed to be penned and controlled for everyone to continue with their pre-2020 lives. It is still running rampant and the nation’s opinions are mixed and many still fear what is yet to come.

The answers to the very important questions about the way forward remain unclear. Will the march of the stronger delta variant of the coronavirus derail the global recovery? Will economies collapse as governments start to unwind stimulus? How enthusiastic are households and firms in spending against cloudy future earnings? Are the vaccines effective enough to guarantee lives and livelihoods?

What may the future hold for today’s emerging adults?

This past decade or so has not been kind to millennials. In 2008, most of the world experienced a financial meltdown initiated through the collapse of Lehman’s Brothers of the USA. The contagion from this bankruptcy meant that the USA and most of Europe experienced massive redundancies, and crippled economies through the immense cost of keeping banks afloat, but the crash did not save the loss of life investments in pension funds and the stock markets, with aging employees having to extend their working career instead of much awaited retirement.

Unusual for a rising arrow to be negative — rising numbers in the third and fourth waves are killing economies!

Malta survived mostly unscathed but the financial meltdown caused mayhem at the bottom rungs, with thousands of graduates spending years unemployed because the older generations who should have retired to enjoy the sunshine years, decided to extend their work career, and thus not freeing a spot in the hierarchy.

When things started to get back to normality, and economies started to register a healthy growth (though still benefiting from substantial financial injections by the FED and ECB) the alpha variant of Covid-19 struck and mercilessly was reaping lives that shocked whole nations into strict dystopian lockdowns.

The only coping mechanism in this new world that’s emerging is flexibility and resilience. Individuals, young and old, must be able to learn new skills quickly, adopt emerging technology quickly and with confidence to come to possess all the wit for survival. Only the fittest will be able to move ahead.

Get the right attributes

First. Get the right attitude. There is no place and space for individuals who believe they are owed a living by their peers. Mobility means that ambitious individuals will not allow themselves to be penned in by a socialist high personal taxation (for the people) mentality, when countries that allow personal wealth enjoyment through low taxation regimes beckon entrepreneurs and high calibre individuals.

Second. Attain a winning hand. Qualifications do not make an individual, but having the right qualification and the highest grade places a halo on an individual that will open doors and carry far in meeting opportunities that seem to emerge along the path. Do not listen to those who say that the University you graduate from is not important, that your classification simply reflects the grade of nerdiness you have been during your university years. These are words pronounced by those who do not have such brilliance in an attempt to renounce on exclusiveness and achievement.

Third. Work hard. Nothing comes easy, and actually if it did, everyone would get it. The most beneficial assets are those that are hard to come by, and those that strive towards a singular aim will achieve. Ready to fend for yourself is a must have attribute in the new world.

Attain internationally recognised standards

Nations must be able to compete internationally and generate employment opportunities. Malta is no exception competing to win foreign direct investment that generate productive jobs. Firms will relocate to Malta only if they find amiable and motivated employees ready to compete with against other developed and developing nations in producing high quality products at the right price.

Thankfully young people today have an advantage in being European citizens with ease of mobility to any of the twenty six member states. And for this reason alone, it is important to graduate from a University that is recognised and trusted throughout the world, not just in Malta.

You may study as a full time student or if already in employment read for your degree after work, as an evening student.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education offers students the possibility to read for a University of London degree in Malta, in a portfolio of degrees in business & management as well as computing.


If you are interested to read for one of our undergraduate degrees check our website [click here] and select the area you would like to study to download a detailed brochure of the programme. Financing your studies is easy, and highly subsidised by the Maltese Government. Watch this short video;

Or Read all about the schemes …

Whilst the Institute offers monthly payments as tuition fees, the Studies Plus+ Scheme offers students the peace of mind of no fees payable during their studies, with small monthly payments at minimal interest payable when successfully graduated and in employment.
You will end up paying only 30% of your loan if you pay in the income tax rebate of up to 70% (€16,000 maximum) of all the expenses under the GetQualified Scheme!

Are you interested in reading for a degree in Computer Science?

If your interest lies in joining the ICT industry, then you should look no further. Saint Martin’s Institute offers the very best portfolio of degrees that are forward looking to prepare graduates for the ICT careers of the present and future, and not of the past. Download our prospectus by clicking on the graphic.

Are you an entrepreneur and wish to join the world of business?

If you have an inclination towards the business world, maybe even yearning to set up your own business, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education leaves no stone unturned in your education. Mistakes in business may be very expensive, so best prepare yourself really well. And if you do not wish to take the risk of setting up your own business, but will seek employment, you will be promoted only if you can show the mettle to solve business problems.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is licensed by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) and a Registered Teaching Centre for the University of London ●New Building, 116, Joe Sciberras Street, Hamrun HMR 1557, Malta ● +356 2123 5451 ● infodesk@stmartins.edu



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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