We’re on Fire!


50% of our computing graduates achieve a First Class Honours by the world renowned University of London!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education

Educating Maltese & International students in computing since 1985!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education focuses on responding to the needs of students in order to maximise their potential. It is with great pride to announce the achievements of our students who have finished their undergraduate studies at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, reading for a University of London Degree in Computing under the academic direction of Goldsmiths College.

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Remember YOU are worth the best chances in life!

These students are already in employment, enjoying the fruits of their studies with very good salaries. What about you? Are you not worth a good chance to advance in your life?

If only you could speak directly to any one of the graduates and students below, to fully understand the benefits of a University of London degree studied either as a full time student, or in the evening with Saint Martin’s Institute!

Everybody deserves to be a winner! At Saint Martin’s Institute YOU are #NotJustANumber

700+ graduates since year 2000 can vouch for us!

You will graduate from one of the most renowned Universities in the world, opening up opportunities both for work as well as for further studies, in leading edge computing degrees;

A pay as you go system, with easy payment terms and income tax refunds to ascertain that you will benefit from your parents’ or your own income tax contribution. After all, charity begins at home!

We will do our very best to mentor you to succeed.

If the monthly payments are stifling on your parents’/legal guardian’s or your own disposable income, we can provide you with assistance through the SMIFlexiPay™plan — paying your fees at just €100 every month.

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BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Systems and BSc (Hons) Creative Computing

Academic Leadership by Goldsmiths College, University of London

Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Systems and BSc (Hons) Creative Computing at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by Goldsmiths College, a member of the University of London. Students sit for examination papers as set and marked by this same Lead College examination boards.

A whopping half of the students graduating this year attained a First Class Honours in either the BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Systems or the BSc (Hons) Creative Computing examined by the examination boards of Goldsmiths College, University of London!
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education students sat for 190 examination papers set by the Goldsmiths examination boards with 53% attaining either a first class or second upper mark, a good sign for the final classifications in the future. Well done all!

Heartfelt congratulations to Daniel*, Donnalisa*, George, Isaac, Jacques, Jeremy, Khilai*, Malcolm*, Michael*, Rebecca, & Simon*. Well done all, and best wishes for your future! #ValuED (* signifies a First Class Honours Classification)

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Not a bad showing in the first year Certificate of Higher Education results, at MQF level 5!

Congratulations to Steve*, Joseph*, Hesron*, Rachel, Noel, Dimitrije, Aaron, Joswe, Jake, Kirsten and Stefan for your achievement … looking forward to the coming years reading for your respective degree! #NotJustANumber (*signifies the student achieved a distinction)

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If you yearn to give yourself the best chance in life, and wish to follow a computing career then make an appointment NOW by completing this form or email us on infodesk@stmartins.edu or give us a call on +356 2123 5451 to join the Class of 2018. Availability is now limited! #StartMyInspiration

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail: infodesk@stmartins.edu



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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