We Magnify YOUR abilities
At Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education we build you … not crush you!
I remember during my Dean’s welcoming speech, he asked each to look at the neighbouring student. We all thought it was an ice breaker, and started chatting each other up. The Dean continued saying; ‘look well at your neighbour, because either YOU or your neighbour, won’t last this first academic year!’ The hall fell into a sickly silence, broken after a few seconds by the girl next to me bursting out in tears. Whilst consoling her, asking what was the matter, she managed between sobs; ‘Cos you don’t seem to be one who will fail!’
This is my own experience, one that I vouch to, and the good ending is that both my neighbour and myself graduated from the degree, and with a good classification too! But many didn’t … too many of my cohort — good students — fell by the way-side, destroyed by a system that puts everyone into a fit all straight jacket! Either you fit, or you’re dead on the rubbish heap! What a pity, what a waste!
It didn’t take me long to realise that the system isn’t correct and can be changed. Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, an Affiliate of the University of London, values students and ascertains that no student is ever just a number!
One of our objectives is to;
‘Achieve outstanding student-centered teaching that results from the faculty working together and being committed to the development of each student as an individual’.
Our students are one of the stakeholders of the Institute, and we are driven by the needs of our students. We understand our students’ needs and deliver innovative services to meet these needs.
You don’t need a magnifying glass to know YOU are #NotJustANumber @ Saint Martin’s Institute
We do not simply coin slogans and tag lines. We live them!
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is the underdog in the Maltese higher education sector, since as a private institution, it must rely on tuition fees to offer its educational services, and meet its obligations. On the other hand, students have the choice of attending any State Institution free from any obligations!
Think … what do YOU deserve?
I hope that YOU believe that YOU deserve the very best?
Sitting for examinations is always hard, but resitting examinations is much, much harder, because you have to study everything afresh, and you would not have an idea what you did wrong the first time and may not be able to correct your errors the second time round!
Well, instead of fretting about your next step, you should truly consider what Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education can offer you — because we will take you FORWARD and not ask you to rewind or pause!
Qualifications that take YOU places
We have a wide portfolio of qualifications at MQF level 5 and MQF level 6
Careers that pay very well
The following are MQF level 5 Diploma programmes that lead to MQF level 6 degrees in the same areas of study. Each of these diplomas consist of a minimum of 60 ECTS as required by law. Follow the links below to know more.
Computing with Digital Marketing & eBusiness
Computing with Games Design & Development
Computing with Information Systems
Computing with User Experience
A solid qualification that prepares you for the world of business
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education prepares students for a portfolio of degrees conferred by the University of London in Business Entrepreneurship and Finance. The following are the three qualifications that lead to University of London degrees. Each of this diplomas has a minimum of 60 ECTS as required by law.
Diploma in Management & Leadership
Tuition Fees
€100 every month
If you wish to have further information, or wish to know more about our portfolio of MQF level 5 Diplomas and MQF Level 6 Degrees please call us on +356 2123 5451 (8am to 4:30pm) or email us on infodesk@stmartins.edufor an appointment. Vacancies are limited, and once the class complement is full, the qualification is closed.