Study Locally. Impact Globally.
with a BSc in Management designed by the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE)
“All classes larger than 70 students will be reverted to online teaching”, according to a statement issued by the University of Malta, just a few days before the start of this academic year.
Mr Charles Theuma, Principal of Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, upon being asked whether the University of London recognised teaching centre for Malta will be following the same policy, said that the Institute limits every student group to a maximum of twenty five students, and that mitigation against Covid-19 have been in place for some weeks. Mr Theuma reiterated that lecturing to large groups — sometimes hundreds in the same theatre — destroys any personal connection between the lecturer and each individual student. The Institute prides itself on a student centred learning pedagogy that starts from small and manageable groups of students in each class.
Throughout the summer months, the Institute was in contact with progressing students, as well as the new intake, and it was obvious that the novelty of learning from one’s bedroom has worn off. The Institute listened to what the students had to say about the matter, and as from Monday 28th September 2020 each students reading for degrees at SMI will be attending regular lectures at the Institute, with mitigating policies put in place, blended with online tutorials.
Mr Theuma continued by saying that faculty at SMI believe that online lectures to hundreds of students simultaneously are in themselves counter-productive because it is next to impossible to respond to feedback effectively, and students who may be starting their higher education this year will feel totally lost in an online (distance) learning model, and thus suffer most. Every effort is in place to ensure that this generation of SMI students will get the same opportunities as the previous cohorts who graduated from the world renowned University of London.
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is pleased to maintain a long-standing offering of degree programmes academically directed by another globally ranked institution. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is ranked in the #2 spot just behind Harvard University in Social Sciences and Management by QS World University Ranking & #1 in Europe!
The degrees offered at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education are under the academic direction of the London School of Economics and Political Science, meaning that students are taught for a syllabus as set by the LSE, and examined by the examination boards of the London School of Economics and Political Science. The degree is conferred to the graduand by the University of London, with clear indication of the academic direction of the LSE.
Join us for a Webinar with the LSE on August 5th at noon Click Here
The LSE is one of the highest ranking Universities that operates in Malta
The London School of Economics & Political Science continues to be one of the top universities in the world according the latest QS World University Ranking.
Academic Direction by The London School of Economics for Saint Martin’s Institute students
Through its partnership with The University of London, The London School of Economics offers students the opportunity to read for degrees that are developed by the LSE academics, with students reading for courses based upon the LSE’s internal courses taught in London and examined by examination boards at the LSE.
An apprenticeship with the very best
Saint Martin’s Institute brings world ranking academic rigour to its students
This is your chance to study a degree that has been developed by some of the world’s leading academics from the London School of Economics (LSE).
The University of London has a long tradition of providing degree programmes in collaboration with the LSE and other member institutions, delivered to students worldwide with local recognised Teaching Centres. In Malta, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is the only recognised Teaching Centre for these programmes.
You will benefit from the support of your peers and teachers on campus whilst interacting with course content via the University of London’s virtual learning environment. Your exam papers will be set, and marked by the LSE; and upon successful completion of your studies you’ll receive an internationally recognised University of London degree.
Join this global education collaboration to access your opportunities worldwide. Click Here
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education
The Institute strives to offer students the very best preparation for the LSE degrees. In many instances, apart from teaching for the subject matter itself, the academic staff have developed extra curricular courses that bolster skills that students need to succeed in different international education systems. The Institute has spent a lot of energy, under the mentorship of LSE academics, to calibrate the teaching pedagogy at Saint Martin’s Institute to mirror the experience you would have in the classroom at the LSE. Half the cohort from Saint Martin’s Institute have achieved a first or second class upper classification in 2018.
Aspire High
If you are a gifted student and wish to read for a degree in accounting, banking, business, economics, finance or management and cannot travel to London then this should be your best alternative towards a world-class undergraduate degree, taught both to full time students as well as students already in employment and wishing to study in the evening.
Further Information
Further information may be attained by paying a visit to Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, or via email on or by phone on +345 2123 5451 or +356 9993 5451 or you may visit our website on and complete the contact form.
You will graduate from one of the most renowned Universities in the world, opening up opportunities both for work as well as for further studies;
A pay as you go system, with easy payment terms and income tax refunds to ascertain that you will benefit from your parents’ or your own income tax contribution. After all, charity begins at home!
You will benefit from stipends and maintenance grants as any other student in higher education in Malta;
You will have personal attention assisting you to succeed;
If monthly payments are stifling your parents’/legal guardian’s or your own disposable income, we can provide you with assistance through the SMIFlexiPay™plan — no tuition fees paid throughout the duration of your studies, and monthly payments upon successful completion of your degree.