Resuming our Conversation …
Because we truly care for your future!
You have shown interest in pursuing a qualification that we offer at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, a licensed institution by the National Commission for Further & Higher Education (NCFHE) and an Affiliate of the University of London, specifically because you wish to develop yourselves, and enable your progression in your career. The students below where exactly in your position, at this time two years ago, when they decided to embark on their MQF level 5 diploma in their respective areas of interest! They decided and acted, and today they have achieved. What about you?
Saint Martin’s Institute Guarantee!
Honesty and Professionalism
Education is an intangible service. We provide you with the academics and the study material, whilst the University of London examines you. We make all our effort for you to do well, but you are not a passive client — you must be actively pursuing your studies with an aim to achieve the desired results! That is why, we believe, that we possess three unique characteristics that you should consider when trusting us with your future.
(1) The University’s Reputation
The University of London is one of the top Universities in the world! A very large swathe of Maltese intellectuals are alumni of one of the member colleges of the University of London. The University of London does not cut any corners in its quality standards. All students, wherever they are coming from, need to sit the same standard of examination to be able to graduate from this world renowned institution. No if’s or but’s — you either get the grade, or you don’t!
The result is that all graduates are so very proud of their achievements, because they are is absolutely no doubt on their mettle in achieving their respective classification.
(2) The Ability of the Institution to prepare you well
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education has been an Affiliate of the University of London for these past eighteen years, and the results attained have always been stellar!
The graph shows 21% of ALL 50 graduates have attained a First class honours, and a massive 62% a second class upper honours classification. For those who do not know what these 83% of graduates’ achievement really mean — just think that less than 2% of global students attain a first class honours! All our graduates have an option to read for a postgraduate master degree at an top ranked University! And no wonder none of our graduates spend any days unemployed!
The darker blue and the red segments show the percentage of students that have attained marks that are deemed to be distinction and credit (first and second best marks) and the achievements are impressive at first glance. Out of a total of 448 examination papers sat for by Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, close to half have achieved the top two mark ranges!
Your question, though, may be — am I able to attain these grades?
Of course you are! These students have not been selected in any way. They have been accepted to the Institute on exactly the same merits as we are offering you — the minimum entry qualifications and lots of motivation!
Top ten global achievements by students
No less than 3 individual students have attained the HIGHEST mark in their subject GLOBALLY! And a total of 33 students have scored marks that are in the TOP TEN world wide! One student managed to achieve 6 top ten marks out of seven third year half units in computing that he sat for! Now if these are not impressive, we do not know what will!
Read all about it here
(3) Affordable
We fully appreciate that everyone tries for the best, but we also understand that there are financial and time constraints and limitations. We try very, very hard to make our services available to as wide a spectrum of individuals as possible. What with the assistance of the GetQualified Scheme, where as employees you will benefit from a 70% income tax rebate as you qualify from the different qualifications, and our SMIFlexiPay™ that will allow you easy payments of €100 per month, we believe that we have the very best package on the Islands. The tuition fees being charged average to €10 per hour — a rate that is normally the private lessons rate charged at secondary level in Malta!
But it is not just the financial aspect, there is time! We at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education abide by the legal requirements to the letter! We are required to provide you with 300 contact hours for every year of a degree, and that is why our programmes may look to be rather intensive as compared to the other institutions. But we believe in honesty and professionalism! We have been around, offering these degree programmes since the year 2000 (we are now in our 19th intake, passed through four audits, and never have we been accused of dishonesty! We know our duty, and we will do our utmost to make you a proud alumni of our Institution!
You have been on our list of enquirers and for this we are offering you the chance to apply without the Late application fee! But you now need to decide, one way or the other! If you think we are not the right partner for your education, please drop us an email telling us so, but if you really think we can help develop your competences, then complete the attached application and submit it soonest! The time to act is now!
If you wish to have further information, please call us on +356 21235451 (8am to 4:30pm) or email us on for an appointment. Vacancies are limited, and once the class complement is full, the qualification is closed.