Results are Out


What’s next?

There are two major professions that influence the life of an individual — the paramedics and the teaching profession. Ill-health may be devastating for the individual and the best medical care may get a patient to live life to its fullest. A sound education on the other hand effects the livelihood of an individual throughout life.

And now that the Sec and Matsec results are out, families are pondering on the next phase of their child’s education that will lead to a lifetime of secure income to meet present and future needs.

Every individual needs support to overcome difficulties faced during the years at University. The concept that when reading for a degree students are meant to swim on their own is a fallacy. Top Universities, including Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education are proud to show that the student to academic ratio is low, and the frequency of feedback passed on to each student is very high. It is useless to judge a student through giving a mark, if the student is not fully aware of why that mark was given and how it may be improved next time round.

Attaining a degree is not a luxury but a must!

The Government of Malta provides assistance for students to extend their education beyond compulsory education and attain a degree. Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education provides students the possibility to graduate in computing or business. And the Maltese Government will offer a no payment scheme whilst studying and income tax rebate of up to €16,000 for students who graduate from Saint Martin’s Institute, under the GetQualified Scheme.

Why Saint Martin’s Institute?

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, is a licensed awarding institution by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority and a Teaching Centre for the world renowned University of London. The main attributes of the Institute are;

Students get the attention that they require. Being in tertiary level does not mean students have to fend for themselves. At Saint Martin’s Institute students are not just numbers, but individuals, each with diversity and needs who need support to excel.

The curriculum and subsequent degree is awarded from one of the most famous and revered Universities globally. Everyone will recognise the University of London degree you will present.

The admissions requirements are four ordinary levels, at SEC grades 1–5 including Mathematics and English which are compulsory.

Michela Camilleri had all the necessary qualifications to read for her degree at a State University but opted to register at Saint Martin’s Institute seeking the dedication and personal attention that is the hallmark of SMI.

No Monthly Payments of Tuition Fees

If tuition fees are the worry, the Maltese Government is ensuring that students who choose to read for their degree at SMI are able to do so, even if their families do not afford to may the monthly tuition fees. Through this scheme, the student is provided with an unsecured and interest free loan to cover all the expenses, with a moratorium (no monthly payments) covering all the years of study.

Only 30% net cost after completion

Taking advantage of the GetQualified Scheme, that guarantees an income tax rebate of up 70% of the total cost to read for the degree at a private institution, the student or the parents/guardians may take advantage and receive their own paid annual income tax as a rebate. In other words, for every €10 spent in studying costs, the student ends up paying €3 from pocket, whilst the €7 is repaid income tax.

Stipends & maintenance grants

Students reading as full time students have the same rights as those attending state institutions in receiving monthly stipends and annual maintenance grants for each year of study. The scheme is known as the Malta Government Undergraduate Scheme.

These are the amounts payable as stipends & grants throughout the three years of a full-time degree course.
Join Now the Class of 2022
Jake Montebello chose Saint Martin’s Institute over any other institution, even though he was fully qualified with his Matriculation Certificate to be accepted by the State Institutions.

Quality education — nothing less is possible!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a very special place, because rather than opting to examine its students, instead it prepares students to sit for examinations as set by the University of London examining boards. An Institute is assessed by how well (or badly) its students fare when assessed by independent examiners.

Coincidentally, the exam results for our students, examined by the University of London examination panels have been published in the very same week as the Matsec results. Look at the impressive achievements — 21% of all examination papers scored a Distinction, whilst 37% a Merit — close to half the papers sat for attaining the top two grades! (these percentages are from 169 papers sat for by Saint Martin’s Institute students). And 60% of all graduates from SMI attaining a First or Second Class Upper Honours!

Join Now the Class of 2022


Come and visit us on the 26th of July between 4pm and 8pm, to get to know us better.

Give us a call on +356 21235451 or email us on or through our socials, and we will be more than happy to help you understand your career prospects. Check our website on

If you wish to visit us, our offices are open Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30pm and Friday 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Address: Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, the New Building, 116, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1556 Phone us on +356 2123 5451 email us on



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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