Reboot your studies!


Studying towards success is a process that needs to be learnt!

REBOOT {re-start — start afresh}

Are you feeling at a dead end in your studies?

Many students in Malta may be passing through the difficult time of resitting some of their ordinary, intermediate and/or advanced subjects to try and attain their Matriculation Certificate in the hope of reading for a degree in some area of Commerce or Computing.

You should enjoy your education and not feel all stressed out!

The stress level is very high at this moment, because in the few weeks between July when the results have been published, and September when the re-sits are held, individuals have very little time to make a dramatic change in their grade.

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DON’T Rewind!

Many students believe there is only one route available — Repeat!

REWIND {go back to a past position — repeat}

Repeating the year, either as a full time student at one of the remedial schools or taking private lessons will be very expensive in time and money!

At Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education we offer YOU a very valid option that will help you move forward onto an MQF Level 5 (first year of a degree) and not get stuck doing the same exams all over for another academic year.

At Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, a licensed institution by the National Commission for Further & Higher Education, we offer students the opportunity to read for Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Level 5 Diploma programmes that will lead students towards a career in the following fields of study through MQF level 6 degrees in;




Computer Games

Creative Computing

Digital Marketing



Human Resources

Information Systems

International Business




User Experience

Web Development

Pause, Think — & ACT

What’s your future going to be?

Pause & Think! Then press PLAY and continue to move forward

The worst you could do is to give up and STOP! Neither should you look back — what’s done is done!

Take a step forward towards YOUR future!

Upon completion of the diploma, you may opt to read for a degree with the University of London at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education or opt to use the MQF level 5 diploma as an alternative qualification to apply for another higher education institution.

Gain a year, don’t waste it!

These are the percentage classifications attained by Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education students as awarded by the world renowned University of London! You simply cannot do better anywhere else!

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Start off YOUR degree studies!

Let’s help you move forward not backward …

At Saint Martin’s Institute we start all subjects from scratch, so whatever standard you have achieved thus far will not matter because you will have the chance to recoup whatever you are missing.

Contact us on +356 2123 5451 or email us on and find out how you may actually continue progressing as if this little bump in the road never really existed!!

And if you think this will cost you heaven & earth, through our SMIFlexiPay Scheme the monthly payment will be €100 plus the GetQualified tax rebate scheme and you qualify for the respective stipends & maintenance grants!

€4,230 for students studying commerce and €7,690 for those studying computing.

Some limited vacancies are still available and applications will be accepted until the last few seats are taken, at which time applications will close.

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Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:

If you wish to know more about Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education and access the prospectus and brochures for the qualifications on offer, please visit our website by clicking here.

If you want to know about our students’ attainment please read here & here.



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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