International students …


Malta has a lot to offer the expatriate student.

The Maltese labour market is on fire! The country has experienced a substantial number of years with full employment. It is close to impossible to recruit competent qualified graduates. This is a golden opportunity for international students to study for their degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, and benefit from this positive period in the economy.

Ali Razagha is an expatriate student with an aim to graduate and work in Malta.

Why Saint Martin’s Institute?

Saint Martin’s Institute celebrated its 35th Anniversary in 2020 and its 20th anniversary as a Teaching Institution for the University of London.

There are a number of attributes that commend the Institute over others;

The Institute is a Teaching Centre for the world renowned University of London, ranked among the top fifty universities globally. Ali and his class-mates are taught by lecturers at Saint Martin’s but are examined by the University of London examiners, thus guaranteeing unquestioned quality and attainment wherever a student is reading for the degree;

Academic staff at the Institute are full-time employees, with years of experience teaching for the University of London programmes, with excellent results. The student community is multicultural and all tuition is in English. Students whose mother language is not English are assisted during the early years to develop their skills in the language as part of their curriculum;

International students may opt to study for two years at Saint Martin’s Institute and finish the third and final year at the University of London, in the UK;

Saint Martin’s has a legacy of quality graduates who are in employment well before they receive their final results, whatever their nationality;

The tuition fees payable are substantially lower than other education institutions of the same calibre, in Malta or the UK. Fees at Saint Martin’s Institute are even cheaper than what is paid for exactly the same degree studied at the University of London itself.

Click to Join the Class of 2022

You can study Business or Computing at SMI

The Institute has focused on these two fields, and has an alumni community of nearly two thousand students. Download the latest prospectus to attain all the information that you need to help you decide.

A Good Career is what we seek for our students!

A higher education institution main aim is to build its students competences that will result in good career prospects for each graduate.

Irina graduated in 2021 with a BSc (Hons) in Economics & Management, and has since been in full time employment with Deloitte, Malta.


Come and visit us on the 26th of July between 4pm and 8pm, to get to know us better.

Give us a call on +356 21235451 or email us on or through our socials, and we will be more than happy to help you understand your career prospects. Check our website on

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is a Teaching Centre for the University of London, and has been operating uninterruptedly in Malta since 2000 with exceptional results attained by students.
If you wish to visit us, our offices are open Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30pm and Friday 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Address: Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, the New Building, 116, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1556 Phone us on +356 2123 5451 email us on



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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