How much is too much?
Will studying for a degree at SMI break my bank account?
The education market in Malta is taking some very interesting twists and turns. Maltese families have always been offered different options to register their children in either private independent, private church or state schools up until the age of 18. Families make a lot of effort to have their kids in the particular school they prefer. They care to give their children the very best education to build a future in a very competitive work place.
But as soon as children grow into teenagers, Maltese families seem to believe that there is only one option to attain a degree — state institutions! Probably, this is because many families believe that studying for a degree at a private institution will cost an arm and a leg!
Nothing could be further from the truth
Families will have contributed €1,860, every year for three years for their child who is older than 16 years to study full-time at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education. If a more mature individual embarks on studying for a degree as an evening student over five years, then, the annual equivalent of the cost for the individual is of just €650 per annum. This calculation is taking into account the 70% income tax rebate received by the family earner through the GetQualified Scheme.
No payment expected during the study period
During the study period, through the Studies+ Plus scheme students can study for their degree without the need to pay any tuition fees.
Stipends & maintenance grants paid to all full-time students
Full-time students studying at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education receive monthly stipends during the academic year and annual maintenance sums of money according to their subject area they are studying. This scheme is known as the Malta Government Scholarship Scheme (MGSS).
Act Now — Applications are Open
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education accepts students who can present the minimum requirements on a first-come-first-served basis. Students who wish to join the Institute but are still waiting for their result may apply and they will receive a provisional acceptance letter. Please call us during office hours on +356 2123 5451 or email us on or you may check our socials.