FATF grey listing …
What’s the solution for Maltese Youth?
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, that is backed by more than 200 countries and jurisdictions committed to implement national legislative and regulatory reforms to combat the legitimising of assets generated through global criminal activity. The FATF seeks global homogeneity in the fight against financial crime dealing in illegal drugs, human trafficking and funding for weapons of mass destruction.
Malta was found non-compliant, ending in the grey list of this global organisation! The tainted reputation will hound the Maltese not just in the financial services sector and foreign direct investment, but may affect everything Maltese through contagion.
The FATF reviews money laundering and terrorist financing techniques and continuously strengthens its standards to address new risks, such as the regulation of virtual assets, which have spread as cryptocurrencies gain popularity. The FATF monitors countries to ensure they implement the agreed standards fully and effectively, and holds countries to account that do not comply.
Prepare for the worst
Your survival depends on your qualifications and proven abilities
The Maltese have a saying — “Ahseb fil-hazin, biex it-tajjeb ma jonqosx” that translates to “think warily about good tidings because they may not materialise” .
The best lifelong strategy for young Maltese people is to attain qualifications that guarantee a solid reputation, now and for the future, that gives them the freedom to work anywhere in the world.
Gaining credibility through education
One of the pressing thoughts on minds right now is what will happen to businesses that are in operation in Malta, or those toying with the idea of locating on the Islands. Will these companies start to question everything? Even our educational standards that require faith in trustworthy institutions will be under scrutiny?
The University of London, through its recognised teaching centre in Malta, is a world renowned University that is upholds international standards in education approved throughout the world. Maltese and international residents therefore can put their mind at rest, that reading for an undergraduate MQF level 6 degree conferred by the University of London, here in Malta at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education will guarantee a reputable qualification now and in the future. All the effort put into such an important qualification cannot be trusted on a fickle name.
If you are interested to read for one of our undergraduate degrees check our website and select the area you would like to study to download a detailed brochure of the programme.
And remember that you will not need to make any tuition fee payments during your studies, since these are taken care of by the StudiesPlus+ scheme, and subsequently 70% of all the expenses are paid through an income tax rebate under the GetQualified Scheme!
Do not hesitate to contact us via email on infodesk@stmartins.edu or by phone on +356 2123 5451 for an in-person appointment to answer any questions which you may have.