An Excellent Education
Does not need to cost the world!
The lecturers are exceptional …
This is the most important element at every level of education. Many seem to believe that when their children get older, this factor loses in its importance. The reality is that the quality and character of the academic staff in a university is what makes or breaks a student.
The academic standards achieved at Saint Martin’s Institute are determined by the stringent requirements of an internationally recognised and renowned university. The academic achievements of the Institute’s University of London graduates are stellar. This shows the very high calibre of teaching that is a well-known fact throughout the Island. The Institute hires academics on a full-time basis, at considerable expense, specifically to ascertain a 100% commitment towards the students. Saint Martin’s does not rely on a department of part-time tutors whose time reserved for the student is the hour or so during the lecture, only. Learning is happening all the time at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education.
Top class university education need not cost the world!
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education does not discriminate between Maltese and Third Country Nationals, and charge all students, whatever their nationality the same full-time tuition fees. And through the GetQualified scheme, all students (or their parents if tax payers in Malta), will benefit from a 70% tax credit on their education expenses.
Full-time tuition fees at Saint Martin’s Institute for Maltese residents are paid monthly with nine consecutive payments each of €650 totaling €5,840 per academic year, with an income tax rebate of €4,088 resulting in a net cost of €1,752 for each of the three academic years of excellent tuition. It must be said that full-time students at Saint Martin’s Institute have 448 hours of face to face lectures throughout the academic year, when the authorities (MFHEA) advise 300 hours of face to face tuition as a minimum.
Maltese and long-term residents may also qualify for the Studies plus scheme, that is a study free of tuition fees and pay the 30% later scheme.
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