Do you ever think how your income tax is being used?


Benjamin Franklin, (1706–1790) found fame as a statesman, author, publisher, scientist, inventor and diplomat. He is probably remembered most through his quote, ‘there are only two things certain in life: death and taxes’. This statement reverberates throughout society with differing ideologies determine whether a Country is a Super State with collection of high rates of taxation offering extensive services to the population free of charge, or a Minimalist State with Government taxing at the very barest minimum, leaving it up to individuals to fend for themselves.

The Maltese tend to be at the centre of the two extreme systems with our rates just below the European average, and practically right at the centre of all European nations.

Education is one of the Services offered through transfer payments in Malta - from the taxpayer to the community.

One of the biggest expenditures of the Maltese Government’s annual budgets is for the provision of free education — from kindergarten to tertiary. And this results in a very dominant State when it comes to education, with only a small percentage of children and young adults are not educated through the State Institutions. This State dominance is nowhere more pronounced then at Tertiary Education, where the two main Government Institutions, the University of Malta and MCAST literally domninate the skills and competences that the upcoming generations of Maltese will possess.

Monopolies are unhealthy, even more so in Tertairy Education

The Government of Malta, though recognises that any type of monopoly is unhealthy, even more so in tertiary education. Pluralism in thought, variety in the skill set and competences of employees, readiness to analyse and solve problem through diversity are key to a growing society. Thus different governments over the past fifteen years, have recognised the needs for diversity, and the rights of individuals to choose what degrees are best for them, by offering to rebate 70% of all expenses to those who choose to study in non-state institutions through an income tax rebate — either personal or if a parent/guardian is paying to the sponsor of the studies.

Through the GetQualified Scheme, the Government of Malta readily repays parent/s of students reading for Higher Education (Diploma, Degree, & Masters) all the income tax contribution of the parent/s who can show proof of payment of tuition fees.

Uncertainty kills motivation

The pandemic has wreaked havoc in the educational system, but to make matters worse, this year’s shifting of Matriculation Examinations being held during this month of September with results expected well into the Autumn Term, students are naturally stressed out on what their future will be like. Add to this the liklihood of a total shift to online teaching, and you have the recipe for a disastrous year!

Learn how you may use YOUR OWN INCOME TAX to pay for your Child’s Degree at SMI #MyTaxes4MyChild

Even if your monthly salary may not cover your living expenses and also pay for tuition fees, SMI has a solution through the Studies Plus scheme.

The Studies Plus Scheme by the Malta Development Bank in conjunction with Bank of Valletta, offers students who may not have the means to make the tuition fee payments in order to then receive the income tax rebate, an Interest Free, Payment Free Loan during the period of study, with the loan payable in easy payment terms as soon as the student is in employment.

You have the Choice to use YOUR OWN income tax contributions as a parent, for the benefit of YOUR child.

Parents have the option to use their own income tax to Government, to choose their own child’s higher education institution. Through the GetQualified scheme, a parent are able to present the statement of expenses for a son or daughter to read for the degree at the Institution of their choice, and the income tax contribution is received as a rebate acknowledging the expenses the parent would have incurred to help educate their own child, instead of relying on Government to provide the service. The parent will receive up to 70% of your expenses as an income tax rebate, with a maximum total of €16,000 (€3,500 for Diploma and €12,500 for the Degree).

Tuition fees will not send you begging. Click Here

That look of happiness, a look of achievement, and a look of preparedness for the future! That’s what every parent wants to see in his children.

The University of London, a world renowned University in Malta since 2000

This fact may have been Malta’s best kept secret, except for the hundreds of students who since have graduated from the University of London, by attending Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education. Is there any need to highlight the merits of one of the top global Universities? Neither is Saint Martin’s Institute a ‘fly by night’ organisation. This year is the Institute’s 35th anniversary since it opened its doors to students, way back in 1985.

For these past 20 years, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education has provided tuition for Maltese and International students to read for their University of London degree without leaving the comfort of their family homes in Malta. This initiative has resulted in hundreds of students, who chose to read for a world renowned degree to step on their career ladder in the knowledge that their efforts are recognised globally.

Interested to join the class of 2020? Click here

This is the end result — the many students, graduating at the Barbican, London!

Interested to join the class of 2020? Click here

Act Now

You may choose from a wide variety of fields of study. Check our prospectus for Commerce or Computing to join some of the most highly demanded career fields in Malta and overseas!

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, a Recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London, will provide you with tuition that will lead you to an accredited degree, conferred by the world renowned University of London, by attended classes in Hamrun, Malta.

The Institute is renowned for its student centred pedagogy that has resulted in very high classifications as examined by the examining boards of the University of London member institutions who have academic leadership of the degrees taught at Saint Martin’s Institute. At Saint Martin’s Institute students are #NotJustANumber

Take advantage from the fair entry requirements, that do not stress out children and families with the unfortunate measures taken due to the Covid-19 pandemic. University of London students at Saint Martin’s Institute did not experience any interruptions or drastic change in the teaching offered due to the global emergency.

Browse our 2020 Prospectus to get to know of the wide spectrum of specialisations you may choose to study.

If you wish to have a one to one chat with regard to your choice of qualification, you may complete this online contact form call us on +356 2123 5451 for an appointment, or communicate with us through our website or Facebook or email us on

If you are already convinced that you want to join us for the upcoming academic year, then just complete this Application Form and email it to us on

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:

Benefit for Financial Assistance for your Studies

Interest free loan with no payments during your studies. Interested? Click Here

Tuition Fees (2020–2021) for Full Time Students

Tuition fees designed with the well-being of the student’s families in mind.
Attain all the information. Click Here

In employment & wish to study?

If you have not yet attained a first degree, studying in the evening is a good solution if you need to keep your day job. Attain the fee structure. Click Here



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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