
To all our High Achieving Students …Time to Celebrate!

After an academic year of work and study, yes, now it is time to chill out …


Business Entrepreneurship & Finance

These are the overall results for students graduating in Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Diploma in Finance and Diploma in Management & Leadership, at MQF level 5 as full time or evening study.

Saint Martin’s follows the International Standards of Classification at Distinction — Credit — Merit & Pass in this order of achievement.

Click here for the Business Entrepreneurship & Finance Prospectus 2019/20

Students are graduating in;

Diploma in Entrepreneurship
Diploma in Finance
Diploma in Management & Leadership

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The Achievers

All deserve an applause — well done!

Congratulations to Andrea, Angel, Ariam, Ayah, Brando, Claire, Francesco, Irina, Jasmine, Maria, Nader, Qi, Ruby, Shada, Sophie & Xiaobo for their achievement of a Distinction in their respective Diploma! You deserve a big applause!

Well done to Ali (Pass), Aldo (Credit), Amanda (Credit), Andrew (Credit), Daria (Credit), Ellada (Pass), Ema (Credit), Esther (Credit), Fynn (Merit), Khawla (Credit), Ludovic (Credit), Malek (Credit), Marcus (Merit), Mattia (Pass), Melissa (Credit), Michaela (Credit), Nadja (Credit), Nicole (Merit), Veronica (Merit) & Zhen Hao (Credit).

Further confirmation on our standards … check our UOL 2018 results!

A successful career in International Business!

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BSc (Hons) Business Administration Programme

Academic Leadership by Royal Holloway, University of London

Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) Business Administration degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by Royal Holloway, a member college of the University.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is licensed by the NCFHE and a Recognised Teaching Centre preparing students for University of London awarded degrees.

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55% of Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education Students who read for their BSc (Hons) in Business Administration have achieved a second class honours degree whilst all the remaining students attained a respectable second class lower classification.

We wish the class of 2016/19: Andre, Ba Hieu Pham (Henry), Erica, Ivan, Lee, Katryna, Mohamed, Nicole, Sam, Stephen, & Yuan all the very best wishes for their careers. WELL DONE!!

To attain such classifications, Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education students must do well in their University of London Examinations throughout their degree. This donut shows how the vast majority of students pass their examinations on their first attempt — remember that these scripts are marked by the University’s examination boards for examination papers set by the same examination boards.

BSc (Hons) Degrees in Economics, Management, Finance & Social Sciences

under the academic direction of the London School of Economics (LSE)

Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) in Finance related degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by the #2 world ranking the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), a member college of the University of London.

50% of graduates finishing off their BSc (Hons) degree studies have attained either a First Class Honours or a Second Class Upper Honours! This is a great feat and we augur these students further successes in their studies at Postgraduate and careers. Graduating from a degree that is academically led (examined) by the LSE faculty means a the top global Universities will welcome these graduates with doors wide open.

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71% of all examination papers sat by SMI students in 2019 have passed the LSE examined sitting.


These are the overall results of students graduating in Diploma in Computing at MQF Level 5 as full time or evening students.

Congratulations to Benjamin (Credit), Brandon (Distinction), Christopher (Distinction), Fan Yue (Credit), Joseph (Merit), Luke (Merit), Matthew (Merit),
Samantha (Distinction) & Thomas (distinction).

BSc (Hons) in Computing

academic direction of Goldsmiths College

Students reading for their University of London BSc (Hons) in Computing degrees at Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, follow a syllabus set by Goldsmiths College, a member college of the University of London.

As in previous year, SMI graduates excel in computing with 4 out of every 10 students achieving a first class honours degree.

The Institute continues with its legacy of excellent classifications in Computing, with 45% attaining a First Class Honours degree. This adds to the legacy of a minimum of 40% first class attainment in Computing, since the graduation ceremony of 2004–15 years of excellence!

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a whopping 84% of examination papers sat have been passed by SMI students for the 2019 sitting

And this is no exception … check our 2018 and our 2017 results!

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And won the JAYE Start-Up Competition (Malta) for the THIRD consecutive year!

JAXI — Xiaobo (Chinese), Irena (Russian), Ariam (German) & Jasmine (Maltese) won the 2019 Junior Achievement Young Enterprise Start-Up Competition. JAXI went on to represent Malta in the JA European Enterprise Competition. These competitions are reserved for students who are registered at a University!

Winning is great. Winning the competition for three consecutive years (out of the four years that Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education student teams participated) is a feat! Winning the JA European Enterprise in 2017 — the first time Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education team won the Maltese competition was simply ecstatic!

Learn ALL there is to learn in business Join the 2019 Class? Click Here

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education prepares students for the Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Level 5 Diploma programmes (60 ECTS) that lead to the second year BSc (Hons) degrees awarded by the University of London. All Diploma qualifications awearded by the Institute have automatic Recognized Prior Learning status and students are exempted from the first year of the University of London degrees, taught at Saint Martin’s Institute, the recognised teaching institution in Malta.

Graduate with a University that is ranked among the top thirty in the world, whilst living in Malta.

Are we Serious?

The Institute leaves no stone unturned in making sure that academic standards are maintained at all times. Higher education institutions in Malta are supervised and audited by the NCFHE. Read More About QA Here

All examination scripts are checked, scanned and marked by two examiners, independent from each other. Any variations in marks are moderated by the department head. After the faculty approves the final marks, the scripts are prepared for audit by the external examiners.

A regular check up by Academics from other Universities

The External Examiners inspect the marked papers and attest that the grades reflect the standards achieved by the student. Only after the External Examiners have approved the process will results be published and only at this stage are student names connected to the grades for publication.

Saint Martin’s Institute also believes that students should not be left waiting for their results, especially since these are necessary to apply for further studies. Saint Martin’s Institute publishes results within four weeks from the start of the examinations!

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What’s next — Graduation of Course

August 30th at the Corinthia Palace in Attard …

All students who successfully finish their studies will celebrate their milestone during the Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education Graduation Ceremony that will take place on Friday, August 30th, at the Corinthia Palace, Attard.

The 2016 SMI graduation ceremony for students who had read for the MQF level 5 diplomas that led to the MQF level 6 degrees awarded by the University of London.

Do YOU aspire to graduate from a world renowned University of London?

If you yearn to learn what the business world has to offer, and wish to join the Class of 2019 make an appointment NOW by completing this form or email us on or give us a call on +356 2123 5451.

Remember YOU are worth the best chances in life!


You will graduate from one of the most renowned Universities in the world, opening up opportunities both for work as well as for further studies;

A pay as you go system, with easy payment terms and income tax refunds to ascertain that you will benefit from your parents’ or your own income tax contribution. After all, charity begins at home;

Tuition fees for children of expatriate parents settled in Malta are the same as EU student fees;

We will do our very best to mentor you to succeed;

If monthly payments are stifling on your parents’/legal guardian’s or your own disposable income, we can provide you with assistance through the SMIFlexiPay™plan — paying your fees at just €100 every month.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, established in 1985, is licensed by the NCFHE with license #196 ● Postal Address: Saint Martin’s Institute Foundation Building, 2, Schembri Street, Hamrun HMR 1541 ● Telephone: +356 2123 5451 ● eMail:

For €100 monthly fee YOU can read for YOUR degree

Are YOU a high achieving student?

Educating for Entrepreneurship



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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