Computer Science used creatively


To tell the story of the millennia

Malta’s history spans thousands of years. The cultural heritage of the Islands is the bedrock of the Maltese economy, with tourism being the highest earner in exports. For many, our heritage is simply the built heritage of which we have substantial evidence throughout the millennia. But this is not all, the stories and superstitions, the norms and ceremonies that the generations upon generations have inherited, are major aspects of the cultural heritage that a nation possesses and demonstrates as its identity. Many travel from around the world to part-take of this heritage.

The use of computing to generate a virtual reality immersive experience of cultural heritage that is endangered by visitors is at the edge of creative computing development world-wide.

Creative Computing

Creative computing is the focus of the immense power and the versatility of the computer processor that can be adapted, in the right hands, to every use imaginable. The Maltese are very competent in computer programming. The ICT industry is also one of the Island’s main industry that generates substantial income to the nation’s wealth. Many Maltese coders have migrated throughout Europe, and even wider to fill important posts in technology and programming, including the computer games industry.

Computer as a means of Entertainment

There is no man or woman living today who has never heard of computer games, and only a tiny minority have never played a computer game. The first generation of gamers of the 1980s, today are in their forties, with their own children playing console and casual games. The computer games industry is many times larger than the movie industry, even though maybe the film industry shines more in comparison.

The concept of creative computing was introduced to Malta in 2005 by Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, in conjunction with Goldsmiths University of London, with the undergraduate MQF level 5 BSc (Hons) in Creative Computing. Since then, the Institute has graduated hundreds of graduates in the field, who are today employed in the iGaming industry, have joined the marketing and advertising agencies, or set up their own firms, including a Games Studio.

The creative computing degree has now progressed rapidly with the times, and fanned out in a number of specialisations. Computer Graphics Imagery (CGI), Games Design & Development, User Experience (UX)and Virtual & Mixed Reality (VR/AR), have branched out from the root syllabi and owing to the developments that have evolved in the past fifteen years, merit their own degree.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is proud to continue to participate in the development of Maltese and international students in this very exciting field. Yet, it is not enough to develop material to simply just teach. The Institute must be able to prove beyond any doubt its expertise in the area before it can undertake to train and mentor students to take further the science. Because academia is like leap frogging. Whilst the current faculty takes substantial years of training and researching, once the knowledge gained is passed onto the eager minds of freshmen, the process starts where these young understudies are taught everything there is to learn as part of their university years, only for them to undertake their own research and boundary pushing in their field of expertise for new generations of students to come.

Research and innovation at the core of teaching

Higher education is not simply teaching from text books. The true universities are those that disseminate knowledge as it is discovered. Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is adamant and active in its participation in the international research community. The creation of virtual reality experiences of endangered cultural heritage sites and their dissemination internationally are challenges that the Institute is undertaking as a proof of concept for undergrad students to take up the VR challenge in games design and development, as well as user experience in education and entertainment.

[Learn More]

Students are able to develop VR experiences using the very latest equipment in the field, mentored by lecturers whose expertise has been gained through self study and actual hands on development of internationally acclaimed and published work.


If your interest lies in developing stunning computer games and virtual reality experiences in education and entertainment then clearly you should ask for further information about the BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Games Development or the BSc (Hons) Computer Science with VR conferred by the University of London under the academic direction of Goldsmiths College.

Select the field you wish to specialise and download a detailed brochure.

Remember that you will not need to make any tuition fee payments during your studies, since these are taken care of by the StudiesPlus+ scheme, and subsequently 70% of all the expenses are paid through an income tax rebate under the GetQualified Scheme! It has never been easier to study at an institute that really cares.

Do not hesitate to contact us via email on or by phone on +356 2123 5451 for an in-person appointment to answer any questions which you may have.

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is licensed by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) and a Registered Teaching Centre for the University of London ●New Building, 116, Joe Sciberras Street, Hamrun HMR 1557, Malta ● +356 2123 5451 ●



Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

Written by Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education

@stmartinsedu Maltese a licensed (№196) private, tertiary-level institution, offering University of London qualifications. #StartMyInspiration

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