Computer applications in science and engineering
A FREE Summer Bootcamp offered by Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education and financed by the eSkills Foundation
Computing has now become utterly indispensable in many fields, particularly in natural sciences and engineering. It had advanced from a tool to exploit existing knowledge to a means of discovering new knowledge. The main impact of the computer in science will not come as its past role as a powerful research instrument, but rather as an active participant in the development of scientific theories.
Interested? Apply Here
Target Student Audience: Age 16+
Requirements (Technology & Skills):
The applicant needs no previous skills, except for an interest in computing and applied science. Access to a computer with the open-source Anaconda Individual Edition installed (Click Here to Install) is necessary since classes will be online. Students who are following science or engineering subjects and/or computer studies will find it helpful in fully understanding and appreciating the use of coding in solving scientific problems, as well as engineers and scientists who may wish a brief introduction to these libraries.
This course will give an overview of a broad range of computer applications in science and engineering, with a taste of the programming language Python.
Python has been the dominant programming language in the past few years, and is also the programming language of choice for many scientists and engineers to a large degree. It offers a great deal of power to analyse and model scientific data with relatively little overhead in terms of learning, installation or development time. It is a language you can pick up in a few days, and use for the rest of one’s life. We also review the Jupyter Notebook, a cell-based environment that renders scripts, plots, and rich media in a web-like interface, making it ideal for sharing and publishing analysis with your colleagues.
The era of scientific computing brought about significant changes to our problem solving techniques. This course will give an overview on how scientific problems in natural sciences and engineering are being solved with the aid of computers. We will illustrate the strength of Python’s scientific libraries for solving problems in computational physics, data analysis, seismology and engineering. We will also have a brief look at machine learning and parallel computing.
Interested? Apply Here
Learning Outcomes
A brief introduction on the use of computers as a means of discovering new knowledge.
Overview of the structure of computation and why it permeates so many scientific fields
How does computation expand what we know?
How can we prove a scientific theory with a computer?
Application of computing: from solving simple equations to seismology and the prediction of the next solar eclipse
Brief overview of Python’s programming language and it’s publicly available scientific packages
The bootcamp will be of 4 hours over a single week, with two sessions of two hours each. It will be delivered online over our platform of choice Discord (how to download and install Discord click here)
Wednesday 16th September, 17:00hrs to 19:00hrs
Thursday 17th September, 17:00hrs to 19:00hrs
Interested? Apply Here
Course Tutor:
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education
Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education is the longest established institution that set up teaching in computing thirty-five years ago, in 1985. It has always been at the very forefront in offering leading edge educational initiatives in computing.
eSkills Foundation
This bootcamp is funded by the eSkills Foundation
The eSkills Malta Foundation is a National Coalition made up of various representatives from Government, industry and education, who can contribute to the increase in digital skills and the development of the IT profession and help us with the following mandates:
to advise Government and relevant stakeholders on matters related to eSkills policies;
to contribute to the expansion of ICT educational programmes and related formative initiatives;
to lead an ICT professionalism development programme;
to instigate further reform in the ICT educational offerings and contribute to capacity-building of the ICT education community; and finally to
to champion campaigns and promote the Maltese eSkills potential locally and internationally.
International best practises indicate that multi-sectoral partnerships are one of the key approaches in achieving synergy in the sustainable development of the right digital skills. The eSkills Malta Foundation was established by the Maltese Government to reflect this paradigm of inclusive synergy. The Founding members of the Foundation are the Ministry for Education and Employment, the Malta Information Technology Agency, the Malta Communications Authority, the Malta Enterprise, The Malta Gaming Authority and The Malta Chamber of Commerce Enterprise and Industry.